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Posts posted by RR_MIKE

  1. right on..... i had a pearl export series as my first set too,only blue lol.. to anybody that doesnt know,these are a nice set and they sound great..i think they sound better than my german made sonors to tell ya the truth..good luck with the sale..not to thread jack, but heres a pic of my sonors..

  2. thats a brand new chain i put on maybe a year ago.. your gonna put a 420 on an 80? wtf for? thats just a tad big aint it? lol...and that pic of the silencer,i cleaned the holes and repacked that when i had it,but its a yearly thing to do anyhow..man that thing went downhill bigtime after i got rid of it lol....its come'n together AGAIN nice though..damn things like a cat,it must have 9 lives lol.. did i mention it was stolen from a cop in ottawa hills? hahahahaha j/k...oh, and i found new in the package spare fork seals and some wheel bearings for it in the garage...

  3. TOLEDO, OHIO -- A Lucas County jury has found an Ottawa Hills police officer guilty of felonious assault in the May 2009 shooting of a motorcyclist.

    After over five hours of deliberations, a jury found that part-time Ottawa Hills officer Thomas Caine White, 27, used excessive force in shooting motorcyclist Michael McCloskey, 25, during a traffic stop on May 23, 2009. White was found guilty of count of felonious assault with a gun specification, charges that could lead to 11 years in prison when he is sentenced.

    McCloskey suffered serious injuries as a result of the shooting. He is now paralyzed from the waist down.

    Attorneys for each side made closing arguments Friday afternoon.

    The prosecution emphasized that this trial was not about all police officers or a specific police department but about the actions of Officer White that night.

    Assistant Lucas County Prosecutor Jeff Lingo told the court that slides of the police dash cam video show McCloskey made no movement as if he had a weapon and the he gave no indication of being a threat to White. "He says, 'Will you please lift the bike off me?' This is after he's been shot. He's still being police to the officer who just shot him in the back. That's the Mike McCloskey that he faced that night," said Lingo.

    The defense argued that Officer Thomas White was acting appropriately and that he perceived McCloskey was a threat and had a weapon. Attorney Jerry Phillips told the jury that they needed to put themselves in White's shoes. "You must judge it under the quickly evolving circumstances that Officer White understood when he exited the vehicle after the entire event took place, after he had a service revolver out, after he gave an instruction to Mr. McCloskey and Mr. McCloskey turned a second time," said Phillips.

    White took the stand in his own defense on Thursday, trying to convince the jury that he was justified in shooting McCloskey. He told the courtroom that he believed the biker was carrying a weapon at the time he was stopped. He said he fired one shot out of fear for his life.

    On the stand Tuesday, McCloskey answered questions about what happened at the traffic stop near the intersection of Central Ave. and Indian Rd. He told the court he was trying to comply with the officer's orders. "I assumed he was saying, 'Put your hands in the air,' because that's the only thing that I didn't do to comply. I was in the process of putting the bike in neutral when he shot," said McCloskey.

    The trial, which began Monday, featured numerous showings of a previously unseen police dash cam video, taken on the night of the incident.

    View police dashcam video courtesy of the Toledo Blade. Please note that the video may contain material not suitable for all viewers.

  4. Good.... How you been Mike?

    good to hear man... not bad here either.. same ol',still beat'n around on the 600 and work work and more work(mandatory o.t. sux lol)..i've been do'n more trackdays and such at mid-o and grattan, thats about it..im gonna be at mid-o again the 7th(try'n to get down to 1:41's-42's lol..best is 44 so far)..

  5. the whole deal is pretty fucked up.. a few of the guys in our toledo club know him..and speaking of being a ccw holder,he was actually from what they've been say'n,hence maybe some of the overreaction on the cops part if he got a chance to run his tag..but i dont see how he did....unless he was following them for a while before the cam was activated..and trust me,i am in noway condoning what the cop did..he's an overreacting(x-military police) trigger happy cop that should be bent over hard and get the max,instead of plea bargaining down felonious assault with a gun spec..it should be attempted murder on top of the other if ya ask me..

  6. sweet. thx! i gotta ask... catch can for what?

    so what is the point of the lil plate and 2 bolts on the front sprocket?

    yah ill be dropping the forks thru a lil bit!! bout an inch or 2.

    man, look at that hair fly!!!!

    you did all the motor work then, i did all the bearing work now. so now its a real good runnin bike!

    yup, and rebuilt the forks.. i also found a bag with a bunch of wheel bearings and other bearings i got for it and didnt get on(forgot i had'm,coulda saved ya some money lol)..i'll get'm to ya when i see ya next..aand next time ya redo the topend,if ya want it ported,lemmie know..i can do your cr250 also..

  7. heres that 80 when i had it.bought it for me and my kid to thrash around on...it litterally was a basket case when i got it..it didnt run or move lol..it needed new rear rim,rear brake rotor,pads front /rear,piston/ring,crank bearings/seals,chain/sprockets,fork seals,tires,and on and on lol..i dumped a shit ton of money in it,and buncha hours work'n on it just to get it go'n lol..it went through several hands before iceman got it..it was nowhere near that fucked up when i traded it lol..

  8. ..and we're have'n a helluva time figure'n out a name thats not already used ...

    Tammy Tampax and the Wide Adhesive Strips

    You can thank me later..........

    hmmmmm,that dont go with our music though..we do jewish bluegrass hahahahaha....

  9. cool name.. im in the same situation now lol.. i split from my last band,got some new guys together a few months ago..and we're have'n a helluva time figure'n out a name thats not already used or it sounds gay as hell after ya think about it for a few minutes lol.. heres a pic of my sonor set..

  10. wow, didnt realize that many of you were down there.. i was too..i had the red suburban with the black honda trailer at the t.s.b.r. canopy.. it was my first time in "A"..it's getting better,but i still gotta work on my ugly body positioning..look at my av.,thats from grattan in june...im way off the seat, but my head stays dead center lol....i was still bounce'n between 45's-47's..was turn'n 50's last year in "I" so im happy lol.....and somebody came around me through thunder valley haul'n ass bigtime and lost it in the left hander before the carousel,but it was well after they past me..hope it wasnt any of you guys..deff. a good time though, except for the shower and sprinkles..i took 3 newbs down with me, they ran beginner.. and there hooked lol..there already plan'n more trackdays lol..it was fun for me to watch them progress in speed and confidence through the day,best part was see'n them come in after a session with a big ol' shit eat'n grin lol...

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