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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. Just what I learned when I trained. Some Jujutsu, Savate, and honed my stand up skills. I did it right after highschool before it became so popular, and every kid that paid $120 to a gym called them selves a fighter. I initially did it for the workout/cardio and to teach kids wrestling technique. I ended up doing well in several amateur exhibitions and was convinced to do some money frights. Most were local junkets in leagues that did not exist or were bought out by UFC.
  2. As I said. Some have it, some don't. Talent unfortunately does not grow on trees, and IMO is something that can not be "taught", only developed IF you had it in the first place.
  3. As an Athlete, I cant explain everything I can/cant do to people who don't have the same ability. IBut, I promise you it makes sense to the few that do. Eat Rice I am sure can back me up on sensing the speed of a ball. There is a WORLD of difference needed in Bat speed to hit an 80mph, and a 90mph fastball. It is frankly pretty easy to tell. Considering that some elite college pitchers off-speed pitched are int he low 80's, I'd say if you cant tell the difference3, then you would not be able to hit EITHER pitch. Again, I Eat Rice can elaborate as well. Lets take another example- Raquetball. That dumb little ball is bouncing around the court at over 100mph. Yet, somehow I can run to a spot where it is EXPECTED to be (mind you, this is a 20x40ft little box we are in) and hit it so low, at such an angle, that its unreturnable. We are talking my return to this 100mph serve is hit into a 6x6inch target area. Does that make me Jesus? Does that make me better than you? Yes. And even better, Phil is better than me at R-ball! Maybe some people have a gift, and the rest of the world plays softball.
  4. I agree 100%. Did it? I posted the same basic statement here, and in replys to your PM's. Its Anthony's site. Its not a public forum. At the end of the day, he can do whateverthefuck he wants.
  5. Fair enough. So where am I at, since 2 were pulled off, and one was closed by me? I think that leaves us with one, but its your forum. Let me know where to pick up my hall pass.
  6. Again, that is fine. Whether it has been "in effect" for 10 day, 30 days, or since January 1st, the simple fact is I have not listed 6 cars this year, period. That being said, the actions taken by your admin team were either because they were to stupid to understand their own regulations, or I had been unfairly singled out, which is fine as well. Its flattering.
  7. It does. Because If I'm at "0", then I can "sell" 6 cars this calendar year (I wont even get into the difference between listing, and selling), If I am at "7" even though this said rule came into effect within the last 30 days, then I obviously wont be posting anything here. No matter how much of a deal, a rip off, or a desirable car it is. Christ, did I really just have to explain that?
  8. I was a catcher until the program got title 9'd. I cant bring myself to play softball either, because its just so fucking, oh whats the word....GAY. I still to this day can not understand how men, grown fucking men, find it an honest, competitive outlet. But there is a batting cage that throws "90mph" (feel like mid 80s) that I go to at least a few times a summer just to make sure I "still got it"
  9. So, you are definitively saying you guys pulled the plug because you basically felt like it, and I violated no standing rule. Great. Thanks for that. Just for reference, what "number" of adds am I an not since the adds got pulled? 0? 2? 6? 10? I mean if you are going to pull my adds off for no valid reason, you may as well pull numbers out of your ass at random as well. And if you want to exorcise your mental abilities, I'd gladly add an IQ, or any other multi-skill standardized test to the man-a-thon.
  10. Thank you for showing your ignorance to the facts, Read below. I read the rules. I understand the rules. Now, please, someone tell me which rule I broke? I have "listed" 4, yes 4 fucking cars for sale this year. Once was listed for less that it originally sold on CR for, and the other 2 were removed, so those likely should not count. What being said-WHY WERE MY ADDS REMOVED? Since this was the start of all of this, and my being banned, I feel I have the right to an explanation. i
  11. Maybe, I have become slower since I have gotten heavier. And bring the fastball, I played college ball, I had no issues hitting 90mph with wood bats. I actually have more issues with knuckle balers than anything else. And I made no "MMA" callout. Just simply said Im down to party. I held a "man off" down here. Events where-50 yard sprint in water/timed underwater breath hold/40 yard dash/Pullups to failure/Max Bench press (vs weight) Foul shorts for 10, H.O.R.S.E tournament. I would hjave gladly done more if time/space would allow. I had no problem mopping the floor, and would invite anyone here to the same. Set it up. CR man-o-thon
  12. Well hell I though I was doing a service letting people know there threads were going to be removed. Since you're stepping up to the plate, why were my ads removed in the first place? What rule did I violate?
  13. I agree. Too bad I forgot to type the "un". Last time I want shirted 3 years ago I got up 385 without a lift. Further, everyone has abs. Without them, we would not be able to stand, walk..ect. It just so happens mine look better, and are more visible than yours. And if you are really 6 foot, 180, I think you'd be the only weak ass bitch in this post brosef. :gtfo:
  14. Bingo. Anyone who is going beyond this when selling CARS on a CAR FORUM is just making excuses for their ignorance. I'd say my abs are better than 99.5% of the site, and certain times during the year, we'll go ahead with 100% Just to be specific, Im 5'9 in socks, 174lbs, Bench 320 shirted, am flexible enough to do the spits, and would put $50 on me 1 on 1 vs. 99% of this forum in basketball, wresting, or an MMA match, or most any sport in general besides speed skating. But sure, carry on.
  15. Details, please. I don't like people trying to blacken my name based on hearsay. I sold the car for full asking price to a local, and held it for 3 weeks till he got his tax return. If anyone tried to lowball, I told them I would need more than asking to get it done, which I did. So, If I was hard to work with since I didn't accept a low ball, my bad borsef. Again, If I am "taking advantage" of the community by selling car at prices lower than they could get said car for in said condition elsewhere, and MUCH lower than what I am offering the average Joe on C-list, then indeed I am an ass hole. If making a profit is the issue, than everyone selling a car in the coral right now should have there posts removed. Yes; what else could it be? I violated NO established rules here, not even the ones the moderators are quoting in this thread. If people are pissed I'm making money, thats one thing- but it violates no rules here. When I threads where pulled for NO fucking reason, after violating NO fucking rules, thats when I question the motives of the people who made the call to do so.
  16. And to even highlight the stupidity of this whole situation, these are the first 2 fucking cars I have listed since this Feb 1st rule came into effect, and I listed them on the same day! I may have listed my Civic in January, but I think it was listed in 2010, and that was a GOOD fucking deal (please, find a documented legit B16 swap for less than $2400 beans)-one that was given to a local not on this forum. I love that my posts were literally pulled for no other reason than "butt-hurt". :cool:
  17. lol is right. CR really is turning pussy. I really cant believe my add is pulled, but no worries. I'm sure no one here wanted it anyhoo, and everyone with a car for sale in the Corral did not purchase the car they are selling at a lower price. Yup, thats right folks. This just in All cars for sale in the coral must not be for a net profit of the seller, period, and have must be own for a time length specified by the vagina bound administration. If you have any questions, feel free to PM the pussy patrol.
  18. Saw one last year, crazy to see when your NOT in Alaska!
  19. Ramp door. Thing is MINT. Its a killer deal at this price. If he ever gets a chance to post pics, it will be gone in a hurry.
  20. Please-show me one, of either, that is on 15inch wheels, stretched tires, and so low to the ground the rear bumper would come off then it hit VTEC (or VANOS). Again, my question is, is your car a CAR, or a "expression of oneself" ? Take this tard- http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/3614/1009844yv5.jpg Shorty Asian pimp though it looks so sick in need for speed, he just had to do it. Less than an hour later-his front lip was riped off. Its Ok, Mommy covered the bill. http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/7554/de2te0.jpg Its on 17's, almost looks ok-but in reality still fucking retarded and ruins the whole purpose of an S2000. But, to each his own.
  21. This is ONLY for the look, period. That you have right. But-when I think European, I think 430, 996, M3, S60R... When I think Japanese, I think GTR, LSF, S2000, Out of those cars, which would you say is running a "lot smaller size" that similar American cars? Hell, I'll play devils advocate- lets say you'd want to ruin any aspect of the car you liked besides the way it photographs for EMODUB mag, which one of the aforementioned cars, in your opinion, would look "right" with a wheel/tire/suspension set up similar to yours?
  22. Yes, and that is an understatement. And for whatever reason, looking at your lack of wheel well spacing, This is what comes to mind http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTN0H-OTBZrrKsabMrLfgjQpMm7jY2WN7H9vfJunNPhoYHBb3mB
  23. For example- IMO This http://image.automotive.com/f/featuredvehicles/12189801+pheader/eurp_0901_01_z+1998_volkswagen_gti_vr6+rear_view.jpg Would be much better.
  24. To each his own. But STARE at this, specifically the wheel wells, for 20 seconds- And tell me it does not look terrible. It reminds me of a fat kid with no chin for some reason...which is almost as terrible.
  25. If you are comparing the E36, you have to compare the 3 IRS cars on this list. Miata- SO much lighter its no worth comparing. For going Fast Miata >E36 FC- Lighter by several hundred pounds, and the BEST brakes of anything on that list, and FAR superior to the E36. Also easier to find, Better Aero-and stronger LSD rear end stock (TII) FC > E36 S13/14. Lighter, better aftermarket, hell of a lot cheaper. But if you are anal about leather interior, E36 is for you.,
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