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Posts posted by MadRussian

  1. im gonna be hunted down for this post but here goes......

    actually if you think about it fuel should prob cost us all more. if you think about what all the fuel in your tank had to go through before it reached you it would make sense.

    when the fuel is pumped out of the ground weather it be out of the ground inland or on a rig out in the ocean it has the cost to travel to a refinery. not only the cost of the refinery's operations you have to deliver it from the refinerys to termnials, and terminals to your local gas stations. now everytime it changes places it is handled by paid employees and put on trucks boats or pipe lines, all of which costs money.

    im not making excuses or anything but now put this logic to say a galon of milk.

    you have the cows, eat grass, grains, whatever. the farmer milks it and puts it in a big cooler tank and is stored til the milk truck picks it up. milk truck takes it to dairy dairy converts it to whatever it in inteded for. and its pretty much distrubted locally. again all the transports costs money but think about the less amount of miles and handling it takes.

    maybe this makes sense maybe not. sorry just my demented mind

    I would take it a step above and look at bottled water :) They fill it from municipal water source so its really cheap. Take it to the store and sell it for

    $10 per gallon, but you pay per bottle so it seems cheap. Now tell me is thats fair :)


  2. Has anyone tried the Hella horn from amazon? Looks like its would fit right in place of the the stock horn minus the wiring? I just want something louder on the bike but dont need or have room for anything crazy.

  3. If you don't think that the oil companies run everything, look at the price they set. It's way too much, but they get whatever they want. If vehicles would make the demand go down, I think they would have a problem with that. I was somewhat kidding by that, but I do think that they would try something to use their "connections" to make it hard on these companies. That's why they haven't gotten really big. This stuff has been going on for years. I hope no one in here thinks that this type of stuff JUST came out?

    What do you mean by way too much? And they dont set them, commodity trades set the prices. There are thousands of sellers and buyer on the market. Every seller tries to get the best price while still being able to sell and every buyer tries to get the lowest price while still being able to buy. The price is what we call in economics market equilibrium. It is so high because there are 2 billion people in China and another billion or so in India that are using more and more oil. That pushes demand and that in turn means that oil producers are able to sell the oil at a higher price because there is no spare capacity left. Its capitalism in its purest form :)

    If you had a Honda Repsol replica would you sell it for the same price as just another 1000rr? :) Especially if there were 10 people at your doorstep bidding for it. You would sell to the guy who was willing to pay the most for it. Why should it be different with oil producers?

    Well whatever your feelings are on the politics of oil, and I am sure there is plenty of corruption there, accepting the h2o car sounds like this.

    "Oil companies are corrupt, therefore a car that runs on water, and violates the laws of thermal dynamics, is real."

    Its a Non sequitur :D

  4. The oil makers will probably snuff this company out.

    BP is one of the largest producers of solar cells in the world. They are in business to make money for their investors not to run an Italian mob. Oil companies are investing more that anyone into the alternative fuels so that when the oil does become too expensive to drill for (in my opinion it will never "run" out) they will have something else to make money on.

    Personally I am indifferent to the oil refiners and it would be great when someone comes out with some other form of fuel but for now these technologies are expensive. I don't foresee them become too cheap soon but I do foresee gas prices skyrocketing and that will bring in more alternative fuel cars. Not that they will ever be as cheap to run because frankly what can be cheaper than fermented or petrified algae (oil) that can be just pumped out of the ground.

    Here are some that are already on the road and do not claim to break the law of physics.



  5. maybe they found a way to electrolize water using less energy :dunno: but i think that would be bigger news. i mean if you could minimize the "getting the hydrogen out" part you could skim power off the engine to keep the cycle going. but as of yet it takes more energy to get hydrogen out than burning hydrogen produces...

    Here is simple way to look at it, why can't I hook a battery to a motor that is then hooked to a generator that is hooked to a battery? And run that setup forever?

    Because every time energy is converted from one form to another (chemical to mechanical to chemical) some is lost as heat or noise due to friction. Because of this efficiency can never reach 100 percent. In fact 60 or so percent is fairly common in industrial machines. Depending on the energy source.

    If I was to take a gallon of water and zap it to get hydrogen, then burn that hydrogen in a motor that is driving a generator, I would not get anywhere near the electricity back that I initially put it. Thats why you cant skim the power to keep the cycle going, because even if all the electricity was put back into the production of hydrogen it would not be enough to sustain the reaction. Simply put you can not get something out of nothing, everything has to balance out.

    Also its interesting what the video (which is fairly old if you noticed) does not say anything about the byproducts of the reaction or the exhaust.

  6. Even if they were being really obnoxious wouldn't it have been enough just to escort them out of the building? Now they're wasting police time and taxpayer money on this nonsense.

    On a similar note, why does it seem like everything to do with high schools are getting more and more strict? My freshman year was great and I had a lot of fun. But after that we got a new principal who was severely anti-fun and the rest of my high school career was miserable. And now harmless pranks are leading to kids getting arrested.

    Maybe because some harmless pranks nowadays cause some people to get guns and come in blasting because they cant cope with life and are to weak to put themselfs out of our misery.

    These people were arrested because they probably would not leave and were getting violent. The mob mentality.

  7. Lol thats a prank :) Or they are trying to scam some naive venture capitalists. This would be akin to having your gas furnace run on CO or CO2. Look at the Japanese guy he can barely contain a smile. And they dont explain how water powers this car all by its self. Water is oxidized hydrogen, in other words burnt and inert hydrogen. To get hydrogen out of water, or split it off of oxygen, it has to be electrolyzed in a similar way that aluminum rust (boxite) is converted to pure aluminum, using high voltage. So yes a car will run on "water" but it needs a source of electricity to separate hydrogen from oxygen.

    You have to put energy in to get energy out. Or find a reactive substance that has not yet reacted (petroleum) to do the work for you.

  8. I want a loud horn .....Like a train horn but I don't want to spend 300 bucks I have a compressor that should work but I need to no how its set up!Anybody?

    I dont know if you guys have Harbor Freight Tool down there but here they sell a horn kit for 19 bucks with compressor, horns, relay and tubing.

  9. "Pennell-Rashell told deputies that when Custer stopped at a Sunoco gas station in Lexington, S.C., she was able to free her wrists and ran into the building and locked herself in a restroom. She was so afraid that deputies said they had to get the fire department to open the door because she wouldn't unlock it."

    Umm what about her kid? She just left him? Some mother.

  10. I'm telling you guys, this is the end of the world. Book of Revelations. Read it.

    Just joking.... or am I.

    I hope so, because it really could be the Mayan calendar coming to an end. :)

    Or maybe Shiva is out to destroy the world!

    Though it could be that there are so many people leaving in every part of the world now so it always affects someone. and communication is so fast that we know of these things right away.

    I am surprised we dont hear about an earthquake every day!

  11. Everytime I sell something on Craigslist, I get these people who obviously save the info and then call me a month after I have removed the item wanting to know if I still have the item. I have started leaving the Items up untill they expire (45 days) with sold in in big letters on it. This seems to work as the emails and phone calls have stopped.

    So, I opened my email this morning to find this lovely gem.

    Fri, 13 Jun 2008 22:33:57 -0700 (PDT)From:"jimmy timmy" timtim565656@yahoo.com

    Subject:Cheap garage/basement fridge (canal winchester)

    To:sale-678412638@craigslist.org #message5051229176273068672238573902312918091382392761


    ** Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home

    ** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping

    ** More Info: http://www.craigslist.org/about/scams.html

    retard (or should i say dumb azz hillbilly),

    If its sold, just delete, no need to leave up and add sold, sold , sold you fucking moron. You are the epitimy of what is wrong with our f'd up country.


    I started to reply with a frenzy and then realized I would be giving this asshat my whole name (since I am such a genius that I used my full name in my email address). I am now in the process of opening a new email account just to screw with this dick.

    Anyone want to help? I was thinking we could fill his email full of junk, sign him up for gay websites etc.

    Any suggestions are appreciated as I know some of the most diabolicale and twisted minds on the internet are right here.

    This is his email address

    "jimmy timmy" timtim565656@yahoo.com

    Lets take some of that negative energy that has been going around here lately and use it for something FUN. Lets unleash it on this unsuspecting asshole.

    C'mon, help a brotha out.

    I would reply to him and play a role of a dubmass hick. Just say things like

    UUUUUH who is this? uncle jimbo told me to leave this up there, and I dont know you so I am not supposed to talk to strangers. Plus I dont know how to get the post out of the computer. Sorry gota run, time to feed the chickens.

    Just keep acting like you live in the hills and play dumb as he replies. Also try try to misspell as many things as you can :) That will get him so angry lol.

  12. agreed 10000000000000000000000% im sure Peta with have a hay day with this. Or maybe not they are hard to figure out:rolleyes:

    Peta has issue with everything. They even publicly stated that its better for the animals to be put down then to live as pets, because its degrading to the animals to live like slaves of humans!!!!

    PETA is fn NUTS!!!

  13. Wow, how stupid blaming a race of dogs for their own owners idiocracy. :nono:

    Pending legislation requires the euthanasia of all pit bulls in Ohio.

    Representative Tyrone Yates has introduced legislation, HB 568 http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=127_HB_568 , which will require every pit bull in the state to be surrendered to the local dog warden to be euthanized. This draconian measure judges dogs guilty of being vicious even if they have never bitten, and is so vague that that it doesn't even define specifically what breeds are covered. By mandating the dog warden to confiscate and euthanize all "pit bulls" the law makes the dog warden the judge, jury and executioner while owners of innocent family pets have no legal recourse or rights of appeal.

    Please, call or write to your representative today to express you're your opposition to this outrageous legislation. Feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you know who is interested in protecting animals in our state.

    Tyrone Yates can be reached at (614) 466-1308 email: district33@ohr.state.oh.us

    David Daniels (the committee chairman) is at (614) 466-3506 and district86@ohr.state.oh.us

    You can find your local representative at http://www.house.state.oh.us/jsps/representative.jsp

    Unfortunately its much harder to execute the owners who turn their dogs into dangerous animals through abuse and torture. Do the dogs get it.

    This wont solve anything, these people will just find another dog breed to screw up or "train".

  14. The graduations that I have been to lately have asked people not to applaud because of the large number of people graduating it would double the time of the roll call and it keeps them in the hot ass gym alot longer. I think its sort of gay when everyone is asked to not applaud or yell after each name and then you think your kid is special and you do anyway. I dont think you should be arrested but everyone should turn around and stare at the dumb fucks that are yelling... a little public humiliation never hurt anyone and keeps us all in the same direction!

    I was just at one. Exactly right. They try to roll through everyone as fast as possible and when people start to make noise the master of ceremonies can not be heard calling the next person, and if you are in the back and its a huge class you can hardly see who is coming up so you need to hear the name. So in effect the "special" ones ruin in for a bunch of people who come after.

    I bet these a holes were arrested because they were told to shut it and then they got an attitude and probably became violent, maybe some drinking was involved. Its the "I can do whatever I want, its my right" mentality. If people would actually care more about anyone but them selfs we would not need so many tort laws.

    The story is very vague, the writer wants us to believe these were just ordinary folks trying to be happy for graduates, the article does not even say if it was a family of someone or just idiots in the stands trying to be "cool" and show off. I am just a few years out of hight school, I remember those day and there was no respect for anyone.

  15. damn...maybe the mayans were right when they said the world is gonna end in 2012 at least at this rate...

    The calendar does not end its just rolls over, like a mechanical odometer with a power drill attached to the speedo line :) Was 99999 now its 00001 :) Those guys were just too lazy to add another digit so the calendar lasts longer!

  16. I was thinking of coming down but wont make it till 12 ish or one. So maybe some other time. What are some good routes to take out that way once I get there? I know its all twisty but something in particular I can put in my GPS? Thanks.

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