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  1. Found this online looking for a new jacket, made me laugh... Wheelies are an integral part of the motorcycling experience. Within the next few paragraphs you will find information on wheelies gleaned from more than 5 minutes of wheelie experience by that world-famous stunter, PhuzzyGnu. Part One: Overcoming Mental Barriers Perhaps one of the difficult aspects of wheelies to master is the fear of what scientists call "Busting Your Ass (BYA)." This is a very real and likely phenomenon associated with wheelies, other stunts, and motorcycles in general. Here are a few hints: 1. Start out small. You are not, and will probably never be, Gary Rothwell. So don't go big until you think you're ready. 2. Never confuse your intentions with your capabilities. See #1 above. Wear safety gear. Helmet, gloves, boots, jacket, and back protector are my usual gear when riding, and as a matter of fact you should probably wear full leathers. If you do not wear these items and you mess up a wheelie, you will be scarred and misshapen and unattractive to the opposite sex. Wearing safety gear also makes you feel more confident. Part Two: Equipment To do a wheelie, you will first need a motorcycle. Any kind of motorcycle will do. I personally have a friend that wheelies his Gold Wing. For our purposes I will assume you ride a bike with some sporty capability, though the process is the same for all bikes. Dirt bikes are good to learn wheelies on, because they crash cheaply. Friends' bikes are similar in this regard. Here are questions to ask your bike: 1. Are you in basically good shape? 2. Do you have a smoothly operating throttle? 3. Do you have a clutch in working condition? 4. Do you have a rear brake in case I need to save my ass? If the answer to any of these questions is "no," you might have to find a new motorcycle. If your motorcycle does not answer, don't worry, motorcycles don't usually answer anyway. Part Three: Where should I practice my wheelies? Practice wheelies somewhere you can be an idiot on a motorcycle without many people minding. Also look for good pavement and, most importantly, a total absence of police (see section 4 below.) Alternatively, in front of girls' schools and in front of hospitals are good places to practice wheelieing. Part Four: The Man Hates Wheelies Cops HATE wheelies. It brings out some primal reaction in them. They will throw the book at you. It may be called "failure to control vehicle" or "not in complete control of vehicle" or "improper start from a standing position" or "exhibition of acceleration." DO NOT DO WHEELIES IN FRONT OF COPS. Mothers also dislike wheelies. On the other hand, young children (young boys especially) love wheelies. Most other women do too, though they usually won't admit it. It is best to do wheelies for women at every opportunity. (If you are a woman, by all means do wheelies. It goes without saying than guys love wheelies and a woman doing a wheelie could probably manipulate most men into doing most anything.) Part Five: To Clutch or Not to Clutch? If your bike has big power and/or light weight, you don't even need the clutch- you can get the front wheel up with just the throttle. GSXR-750s, Bandit 1200s, Blackbirds (my bike), TL1000s, VTR1000s, R1s, ZX-9s and other bikes with Lots-o-Torque or Not-Much-Weight can bring the front wheel up with just a big, or even not-so-big twist of throttle. Simply riding forward, rapidly closing and opening the throttle can get the front wheel WAY up on some of these bikes. Some bikes just require you to open the throttle. Other bikes require the use of the clutch, which is that lever on the left clip-on (or handlebar if you ride on of "those" bikes.) I'll assume if you have a bike with big power you don't need my help anyway. Part Six: Will this hurt my bike? Wheelies done right are harmful to neither bike nor clutch. Use low revs and torque to wheelie, not massive revs and horsepower. Slower speed wheelies are also easier to control. Wheelies done wrong can damage chains, head bearings, forks seals, and, in worse-case scenarios, bodywork and even you. Part Seven: What if it all goes wrong? If it all goes wrong, hopefully you have the back brake covered, you mash it, and the front end slams down, smashing your grollies into the tank (if you are a guy) or smashing those mystical parts into the tank (if you are a girl.) If it goes REALLY wrong, and you ether didn't have the brake covered or you miss it completely (it happens), the bike will bodyslam itself into lots of expensive pieces, from about 5 feet up. It might also land on you. Try to fall off to the side. If you are not wearing gear, you will be in a world of pain, even at 20 miles per hour. Even wearing gear, you can still get hurt bad, okay? Part Eight: The Wheelie Having read this far, you're ready to try wheelies. Briefly, the following are the steps to the Wheelie. 1. Cover the back brake. It will stop you from flipping over backwards if you go too far. 2. Accelerate at about 1/4 throttle through 20-30 mph. 3. Squeeze the clutch. 4. Roll on more throttle. 5. Let out the clutch. Steps 2-5 are almost simultaneous. Step 1- The back brake will save your ass if you start to go over backwards. Until you are very proficient at wheelies, you should always cover the back brake just in case. Step 2- You need to be accelerating gently to get the weight on the back wheel. Once you become proficient, you can do a wheelie from any speed, but we'll start like this, ok? Step 3- Squeezing the clutch gets the engine spinning faster and making more power, of course. You don't have to squeeze it all the way in, just enough to get it slipping, thus spinning the motor up and getting more power. Step 4- Giving a little more gas increases the engine spinning as noted in step 3 above. Step 5- Letting out the clutch is the key to a smooth wheelie. Don't just pop out the clutch, or the front end might leap in the air and scare you away from wheelies for a year. Let the clutch out smoothly and quickly, as if you were pulling away from a light really fast. If you have ever been in a stoplight drag race and had the front end come up on you as you left the line, that's exactly how the clutch should come out. In any case, unless you are really ballsy or just stupid, the front won't even come up the first time. You'll just kinda jerk forward a bit. No problem. Now, do it again, with a wee bit more throttle, engaging the clutch a wee bit faster, sneaking up on the wheelie. It probably won't come up this time either. Just keep on giving a wee bit more gas and a wee bit quicker (but still smooth) clutch engagement, and eventually the front will come up more and more. More throttle- more air. Steering wheelies is just a matter of centering your weight. You lean to one side, you go to one side. Turn the front wheel one way, you'll go the other way, just like countersteering. Stick a knee out and you'll go that way. Simple. Just sit straight up and hold the bars straight at first, ok? The front wheel has a gyro-effect, so if it stops spinning, turning the front can't steer you anymore and when you finish the wheelie it'll have to spin up to speed. If you are going fast enough, you'll get a chirp and a puff of smoke, but let's save that for later. If you set a wheelie down crossed up you can get a nasty tankslapper and get tossed, so try not to do that either, unless you like tankslappers. Once you can consistently get the front end up higher and higher, then you can think about going just a bit further! Part Nine: What now? Okay, now you are getting the front wheel up regularly. Now you can find the balance point. Basically, it's this floaty, light point in a wheelie that is really damn high up there where you don't have to use as much throttle and you can basically keep it up indefinitely. Part Ten: More Gears! You aren't limited to 1st gear, of course. Once you are proficient at wheelies, you can use other gears. You can wheelie most sportbikes in 1st and 2nd and maybe 3rd gear, and some big boys like the R1 or the ZX-9 or maybe a Blackbird might be wheeliable even in 4th. I haven't brought a bike up, ever, in 4th, but it is possible. Alternatively, you can start out in 1st and go up through the gears as far as your balls (or ovaries), the road, and your skill will let you. The current wheelie record is well over 175 miles per hour, so get out there. To shift in a wheelie all you need to do is twitch your right wrist to unload the gears, while having your left toe already pressuring the gear change. No clutch necessary. Some Hondas and other bikes, my Blackbird included, have a big throw from first to second. Give it a big, positive kick into second to avoid missing a shift, having the engine rev the tits off itself, and then having the front wheel slam down to the jeers of any witnesses and to your own shame and possibly mashed privates. If you do get it into second it will want to kick a little higher, so be ready to modulate the throttle. Of course, you haven't' tried to shift into 2nd until you were really familiar with balancing these things, so it's no problem. Now you can go into 3rd and 4th and 5th and 6th, and you're the man (or woman) and you can make money at this. Part 11: Variations. Once you're quite the badass, here's some things to try. Standing up. Easy, stand up on the pegs and wheelie away. Cool, eh? Crossed up. You'll have to turn the bars and stick out the opposite knee to get a nice, crossed up, rad effect. Waving/Flip off/other gestures. Take your hand off (your LEFT hand!) and do whatever you think would be cool. Extra points for flipping off cops, if that's your kinda thing. Passengers. If you have a trusting friend, go for it. It is actually easier because of the weight distribution, but the stakes are higher for obvious reasons. There are other variations, but if you are good enough to think of them and do them, you wouldn't be reading this, would you? Part 12: It Ain't My Fault I accept no responsibility whatsoever for anything that might happen to you if you decide to read this and go out and practice the techniques described herein. Wheelies are inherently dangerous because motorcycles have two wheels for a reason and if you take one of them off the ground, you open up a whole new realm of possible ways to maim yourself. Don't be stupid. Don't blame me if you end up having aftermarket titanium parts installed on your body if something goes wrong. Have fun.
  2. buells3rider


    A woman is at her local supermarket doing her grocery shopping. Done shopping, she proceeds to the checkout counter and begins to unload her cart onto the conveyor belt. As she's transferring her selections, a man wreaking of booze strolls into line behind her, and intently watches as she places the contents of her cart onto the belt: A half-gallon of 2% milk A carton of eggs A quart of orange juice A head of romaine lettuce A 2 lb. can of coffee And a 1 lb. package of bacon. The woman notices the drunk out of the corner of her eye, watching every move like a hawk, and taking inventory of her purchases. As the cashier is ringing it all up, the drunk calmly states to her, "You must be single." The woman is a bit startled by this proclamation, but soon finds herself intrigued by the his intuitiveness - even inenibriated - as she is indeed single. She looks at her six items on the belt and sees nothing particularly unusual about her selections that could have tipped off the drunk to her marital status. Curiosity getting the better of her, she turns with a smile and says "Well, you know what? You're absolutely correct, but how on earth could you have known that?" The drunk replies, "Cause you're ugly."
  3. Oh, trust me - 4 1/2yrs of dealing with them while living in San Diego... am shooting for hopefully May, no exaggeration. Only place I've lived that is worse is Massachusetts, but at least they're not as slow, just Facist as all hell LOL I'll just have to deal with all the posts from everybody going out riding until then
  4. still waiting on California BMV for my duplicate title so I can get current plates/tags. Killing me, too - is beautiful out!!
  5. Most days I'm pretty OK with the fact that I'm a lightweight compared to the 10yrs ago me and that I just get tired when I drink too much anymore, but every once in a while? Yeah, I miss the stories like this!!
  6. http://www.komodogear.com/home.php Yeah, that might not have been the right title, can't imagine it's more than just a tiny rented office space, but still... had to goto the customer service part of the site and tell them what happened to get a response.
  7. So how do you REALLY feel? ~haha~
  8. I emailed corporate and described what happened, I'm sending it back and they are reimbursing my $$. Gotta love the results you get sometimes from being abrasive
  9. So about 3wks ago I purchased a new Komodo riding jacket from www.firedogracing.com, prices were great, take PayPal, all that. Booyah. This is the jacket I "purchased": So, when I got the box last Thursday, I was excited and cut the packaging tape open to find this... ...now, I'm not too bright, but it occurs to me that if someone can take a look at the jacket pictured on the website and the jacket I got and NOT be able to tell a difference? Yeah, your ass shouldn't be racing anything except the Grim Reaper, because you're probably not smart enough to outrun him, either, and the rest of us will be safer in this world once he catches you... The armor isn't pocketed, so it slides 360deg within the sleeve and can be slid from the wrist to the shoulder (which is a wonderful feature considering it's something meant to protect your elbows in the event of a wreck - when they're in your armpits they're useless), the nickel zipper is very plastic, I have a lambskin jacket that is less than 1mm leather that is thicker not to mention that only the sleeves are not perforated, the piping is colored leather and not anything that could be considered reflective, and the manilla trim around the zippers and varsity-jacket stripes around the flimsy collar look all kinds of retarded, not to mention the big KOMODO logos all over it. Guess I was kind of expecting to receive what I'd been sold. Silly me, eh? But, I gave them the benefit of the doubt and went to contact the company so I could send it back and get a refund. Apparently, there is one person running this show, and asks to be EMailed vice being called. I do both. Less than 10mins later he promptly EMailed me a response and asked why I wanted to return it, and within 20mins I had described why I wasn't too pleased, even though I did it very professionally. That was the last time I have heard anything from Brian of Fire Dog Racing. No returned calls, no EMail responses, this little douchebag seems to think that I'm just some random girl that he shacked up with one night and will leave him alone if he just ignores me. I'm probably going to end up being stuck with this fugly coat that is about as safe as 1/2-inch long flash-paper fuses on M-80's and with any luck at all I can sell it on Ebay for at least part of what I paid, but it would be in your best interest to NOT (repeat, NOT) buy anything from Fire Dog Racing, and plz spread the word to anyone else you know, b/c it's not fun getting shafted, and it costs $$. People who do this kind of business shouldn't be in business.
  10. buells3rider


    have been at work all day, just wanted to toss this out before taking off to Chicago - Happy St. P's everybody!! A young doctor moves out to a small community to replace the aging doctor there. The first day, the veteran Physician suggests that his understudy accompany him as he makes his routine house calls so that the people of the community can become accustomed to him. At the first house they visit, the newly arrived young doctor listens intently as the an older lady discusses the weather, their grandchildren and the latest church bulletin with the two of them. After some time, the older doctor asks how she had been feeling. "I`ve been a little sick to my stomach lately, to be honest," she replies. "Well, Margaret," he says, "you`ve probably been over doing it a bit with the fresh fruit. Why don`t you cut back some on the amount of fresh fruit you've been eating and see if that helps." As they leave the house, the younger doctor is more than just a little perplexed, and decides to ask how the his senior colleauge had reached his diagnosis so quickly. "You didn`t even examine that woman," he started, before the seasoned doctor interrupts, "I didn`t have to, son - did you notice I dropped my stethoscope on the floor in there?" "Yes, sir, I did - but how...?" Well, when I bent over to pick it up, I looked around and noticed a half dozen banana peels in the trash can. She lives alone, so I'm guessing that's probably what has been making her ill." "That`s pretty sneaky," comments the young M.D. "Do you mind if I try it at the next house?" "I don`t suppose it could hurt anything, sure." The two doctors are sitting with Emily, an elderly widow, at her house. They spend several minutes discussing the weather and grandchildren and the latest church bulletin. After several minutes, the fresh face asks the widow Emily how she has been feeling lately. "I`ve felt terribly run down lately," she answers. "I'm plenty happy, but I just don`t have as much energy as I used to." "You`ve probably been doing too much work for the church," he suggests, without even examining her or even feeling her forehead. "Perhaps you should ease up a bit and see if that helps." As they're walking down her front porch steps, the elder physician looks at the man who will be filling his shoes for a moment, wondering how he learned to read the tells so quickly. "You know, I'm impressed. Your diagnosis is probably right, but do you mind telling me how you came to that conclusion?" "Sure," replies the new kid. "Just like you, I dropped my stethoscope on the floor and looked around the room while I was down there." "OK, and...?" "Well, when I bent down to pick it up, I looked around the room and there was the preacher hiding under the bed. Kinda figured it out from there!"
  11. Plates still say both California and 2005, still waiting on them for a duplicate title so I can get road-legal again. Itchin' though, it's been so nice the last week! Jealous of... well, everybody, really!!
  12. I don't even care if it never happened, that's awesome
  13. Yeah, that'd suck something fierce only being worth $848 million, no doubt. That is a huge chunk to just write off, and if he was BROKE after giving that away, that'd be tragic, but honestly... once you make it into the hundred-millions when it comes to your net worth, does it really matter?! I think I could deal.
  14. The huge selection is why I go there, anything I'm thinking about buying? They've most likely got it. I'll try on, look at, or check out anything there first, then order it online for about 20% cheaper, even with shipping. It's convenient to just walk in and walk out with it on the spot, but if I can save myself $160 on a jacket or $30 on some gloves? I'll wait for it to get there. Just me. But anyhow, not trying to hijack anything, here. Free wings would probably get me to goto Rosie O'Grady's, so I don't think I need my arm twisted much to head there.
  15. wow, I was all kinds of excited until I got to the word wings, but good deal. Doesn't take too big of an excuse to get me to want to go there - just hate BUYING anything... they're so overpriced!!
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