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Everything posted by buells3rider

  1. Sweetness, another 30-something!
  2. sometimes, but I just wait about 15mins and come back, it's never a perpetual issue
  3. I took mine out for a short spin, too - was too nice a day not too!! Anyhow, am going to be 32 in April, and hardly consider myself a veteran, just someone who likes to ride. 'Nuff said.
  4. Not at all, it's like an Applebee's or Damon's or any of those sports bars/restaraunts. My g/f lives not even a mile from the one on Bethel, and there's grade-school kids in there all the time, so I doubt that they'd go all Interpol on you at the Polaris one, either.
  5. I think it's kind of nuts that they're making the kids (at least the son) pay back the entire amount in restitution. They weren't exactly old enough to know better when they were told and coached to act that way. Am sure at some point around their teenage years they began to question it, but still...? I mean, I laughed my arse off reading it, because everybody knows someone who would at least *try* that, but still... just made me wonder.
  6. You can take a picture and put it on the internet? :? technology - ain't it grand? anyhow, need to swap out the bearings and I think I'm going to have them polished professionally by a shop somewhere, I know there's one in Lancaster that does amazing work - they've been sitting in a tool shed for 2yrs and there's a lot more muck on them than I thought at first, and a couple of light scratches that someone who knows what they're doing might be able to get out.
  7. I still don't know if I'm working Friday night yet or not, but would like to pop in if I can.
  8. Hmmm... so is this you guys' way of telling me that the ones I posted aren't showing up, or is it your way of letting me know that it's the lamest damn thing you've ever heard in your entire lives but because I put a couple of photos up you're willing to consider letting it slide with just a sarcastic shot...? (btw? - one can be fixed pretty easily, only reason I'm askin')
  9. well, I guess that beats the CRT's in a shload of TV's surrounding the base blowing up when the wrong radar is lit off in-port. Not saying that it's *ahem* ever happened before am just sayin'!
  10. The UPS man just paid me a visit, and I seriously don't think I've been more excited to rip through a package like a kid on Christmas morning in a long, long time. Bought a set of the old, out of production polished aluminum Performance Machine wheels off a guy from the Buell forum at Bad Weather Bikers for $500, which is about a steal. Have wanted these for a while, I think it'll really change the whole Micheal Knight look of the all black-on-black-on-black. My day just got exponentially better!! FIXED: P U T T Y
  11. it wouldn't be too accurate, seeing as how I had to have it towed from a garage in Mount Vernon to Columbus, and since it's a Buell I had a Harley dealer do it (which means there is no one else on the face of existance that would charge more for labor and parts), then had to have it brought back across town from Broad Street to Gahanna because it's not insured or registered right now, and my CA permit expired last year, but honestly? If I can get all that done for $1100? You should be good for at least half that much, if not a whole lot less.
  12. I've got a V-twin sport touring that they don't even make anymore, no worries!
  13. if you call now, you might get a Yellow Cab to show up by then, too
  14. It's been a few years since I've lived here, so don't beat me down too hard if I'm wrong but what night is it that Quaker Steak and Lube up by Polaris has their bike night? Isn't that on Wednesdays? Just saying, a lot of people might be used to going there. Sounds like a fun idea, though!
  15. Hope you have better luck with that than I just got done with... had to replace half the lines, fuel and oil pumps, and everything else that goes along with it (new plugs, wires, etc). Mine had been sitting for almost 2yrs, but still... that thing had it's way with me (AND my wallet!!)
  16. buells3rider


    ...figure we'll just keep this going another week... A chicken farmer buys the blue ribbon rooster at the State Fair to be a stud rooster for his chicken coop, as the stud heÂ’s had for years is growing old. Upon arriving at the coop, the new rooster ruffles his feathers, sticks out his chest, pulls his head back proudly, and with overbearing confidence makes his way over to where the old rooster is sitting. "OK old timer, itÂ’s time for you to retire - out with the old, in with the new", the young rooster tells him. The elder rooster replies, "Come on, surely you cannot handle ALL of these hens. Look what itÂ’s done to me!! Besides, you canÂ’t just take over and not let me do my job at all - can't you just let me have the two old hens over in the corner?" The young rooster scoffs and snidely says, "Get bent, Gramps! Look at you - youÂ’re old, haggered, and beaten down by age.YouÂ’re all washed up, and obviously you need replaced, which is why I was brought in, so just face the fact that itÂ’s time for me to take over... thereÂ’s a NEW sheiff in town." Sighing, the old rooster stands from his crouch and takes a look at the headstrong and brash new stud. He draws in a ragged breath and says "I tell you what, young buck. WeÂ’ll settle this with a race around the farmhouse. Whoever makes it around the house and back here first wins, and gets exclusive domain over the entire chicken coop. All or nothinÂ’. What do ya say?" The young rooster throws back his head and laughs hysterically. "You know you don't stand a chance, you has been! But just to show you I can be fair? IÂ’ll even give you a head start." The old rooster marks a line in the dirt with his foot. They both nod in the understanding that the first one across it becomes the king of the castle. The geriatric rooster takes a long breath, then takes off running. About 15 seconds later the young rooster decides itÂ’s a fair start, and takes off running after him. They round the front porch of the farmhouse and the young rooster has closed the gap. He is only about 5 feet behind the older rooster and gaining fast. The farmer, meanwhile, is sitting in his usual spot on the front porch drinking his morning coffee when he sees the two roosters go sprinting by, the old rooster squawking and causing a commotion, the younger one close in tow. The farmer grabs the 12guage sitting by the door and blasts the new stud to pieces, nothing left but a fog of feathers and dirt. The farmer shakes his head with disappointment and says, "Damn... third gay rooster IÂ’ve bought this month!!"
  17. Anybody know a good paint/body shop in the area where I could take a set of crashed fairings to be prepped and repainted? Would prefer to avoid any of the customary anal rapings if at all possible...
  18. BadWeatherBikers.com (Buell rider's site) and ClubChopper.com (builder's site), I learn a lot from being on both, but to be honest? I think this is the only one of all of them with relatively normal people on it... to be interpreted loosely, meaning
  19. Congrats! Looks great, and welcome. .4 Miles? That's insane!!
  20. Only because I need to represent my Buell roots http://www.illconduct.com/ These guys are nuts - some cool vids
  21. was doing a websearch for Columbus area events, think some text from one of the forums came up
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