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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Touche. I meant player, but I didn't say it. Well played, sir.
  2. Been too long since I've watched it and I'm at work... but, it's the I ALWAYS TALK SERIOUS GUY, isn't it?
  3. Gotta make that money, man, it's still the same now.
  4. kenny


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfVX71YqPuQ Fail.
  5. kenny


    How about the video of him crashing it in a parking lot with no gear...
  6. lulz Sweet finger, Tony Homo.
  7. Michigan football practice was delayed nearly two hours this morning after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the field. Head coach Rich Rodriguez (also known as Dick Rod) immediately suspended practice while police and federal agents were called to investigate. After a complete analysis FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to the players was the goal line. Practice was resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.
  8. The three guys that own it (father and two sons) are Browns fans. They also own the one on Rome Hilliard.
  9. The bar tenders there make pretty decent money, but yeah, I couldn't do that for that long.
  10. That BW3 is owned by Browns fans.
  11. It's called lame old white dudes trying to make money off football players... the same reason they fine for hard hits. This isn't complex.
  12. At least it fits the racing. AMA isn't even worth having on in the background. I try to avoid Speed for those reasons, I typically download the Eurosport rips of WSBK and Moto GP. Not to mention that way I miss all the NASCAR, pre NASCAR, NASCAR truck, NASCAR track side, NASCAR driver interviews, NASCAR raceday, etc. queershit shows/commercials.
  13. I worked there in high school, most of the bar tenders are the same ones from then. We drink there far more than twice in two weeks and know most of the servers as well. I used to live within walking distance, but recently moved so that has changed.
  14. I know just about everyone that works there.
  15. $3.25 for a 22 I think... with as much as I drink there I should know this. Then again I always get comp beers so I never look.
  16. I need to drink the last 8 of my beers on the beer tour...
  17. and White Castle for lunch was freakin EPIC
  18. You must have skipped the No Fun League part, or you just have very poor reading comprehension.
  19. Yeah, averaging 1200+ yards a year is losing. CJ/TJ have been together over 10 years and they've been solid every year. Sure, Chad has had a shitty season this far, but he's also been without Palmer. Fitzpatrick isn't exactly what I'd call an awesome QB and TJ has been the go to guy all season. Chad isn't the problem. You can't blame one guy for an entire organizations problems.
  20. If that came out of your ass you should probably see a doctor.
  21. AMA is a joke. Fill me in.
  22. Speaking of Keyshawn, anyone see this? (On whether he would ever watch Keyshawn Johnson’s reality show about interior design) SAPP: Me, watch Keyshawn on an interior decorating show? Keyshawn, I knew you were a b-tch. And thanks for making it all clear.
  23. I don't follow... I haven't watched AMA in years, shit is like watching paint dry.
  24. He's just out there to have fun. How people don't get this is beyond me. NFL = entertainment. You need players like him or it would be like 2098234 Maddens out there doing the same thing, mentioning the most obvious shit in the world and making you want to cut your eyes out as you watch.
  25. He was probably out late fucking some fine ass white bitches.
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