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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Since that's the only dirt bike I ride. Brilliant logic. Absolutely flawless.
  2. How about some wiener in there instead?
  3. kenny

    2002 kx85

    85s are so much cooler than 65s
  4. Wish we had somewhere to ride ice local.
  5. kenny

    call out

    A saw a Camaro as ugly as your car the other day. Messican dude driving it, checkered flag painted on a yellow Camaro with the same style horridly ugly front end. I lulz'd all the way back to work.
  6. call a cracker I need to do rear brakes on my truck apparently though, but fuck it, what's another day of driving on them
  7. I'm torn on the trust question. One part of me wants to say if some random strangers life was in danger the majority of the world would try to help and the other part wants to agree with what Putty just said. Personally in the US I feel our quality of population (for lack of a better term) has drastically declined since the end of WWII. These days everyone seems to take everything they have for granted, and are only out for themselves. We have the most retarded law suits ever heard of - and yet somehow people win them. So, I dunno. I guess if it comes down to someone maybe saving my life if I needed it, yeah, I'd like to think there would be someone that would help out. But at the same time, that's part of the reason I have a CCW...
  8. kenny

    Shit is Sirius

    I had secks with a bowl of cereal.
  9. kenny


    Like this? http://www.wtfhost.com//files/44/SLEPT/IMG_5798.jpg http://www.wtfhost.com//files/44/SLEPT/IMG_5786.jpg
  10. Tilley, some other info you might find interesting, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennesaw,_Georgia#Gun_law http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Switzerland Look at it this way, if you're a criminal and you have two identical places to rob, one being a place you can't carry and one being a place you can, the obvious choice is to rob the one with less threat - the one where carry is banned. If the chances of criminals having law abiding citizens shoot back increases, crime will decrease because the criminal might actually act like a logical human and say "hey, something bad might happen if I try this".
  11. I'll keep that in mind when I break dirt bikes out in the snow and colder temps than this.
  12. that might work if I roll out of bed early enough
  13. kenny

    call out

    You've never bitched before, open dem buttcheeks
  14. kenny

    call out

    Runs now and I have a spare motor, cunt face.
  15. kenny

    call out

    Spring time your ass is getting drug, son.
  16. He just bought the ultimate blowjob seat.
  17. Blowjobs are the greatest invention ever.
  18. You can thank democrats for that, always trying to protect people that fucked up.
  19. That's like saying I pull my dick out any time I see a chick I want to secks0r.
  20. No one in their right mind is pulling over two girls having an arguement about shoes. Come on now.
  21. You can't seriously be this daft, can you?
  22. Someone "stepping in" on an armed robbery is going to result in them laying on the ground bleeding. It is very rare that a criminal with a gun is going to be taken down by an unarmed person. Why do you think law enforcement carries guns? They're not for looks. As for the flat tire/small stuff in malls - bad analogy. A life threatening situation is far more likely to get the attention of our worthless public than someone getting a flat tire or a boo boo on their face because they mouthed off in public. The best defense for crime is an armed population. DC, Chi-town and LA are examples of this failing, Switzerland is proof it works.
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