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Posts posted by mace

  1. The church I go to is going to have a "Blessing of the bikes"

    Whether you believe in a high being or not you could attend, it never hurts to error on the safe side.

    I am not the biggest or best christian but I like this church a lot, the priest is a great speaker.

    Anyway it will be at

    Holy Family Church

    584 W Broad St

    Columbus (just west of Ad Farrows)

    April 28 at 10 a.m

    The priest is hoping for a big turnout.

    Thanks for reading and I hope to see you there


  2. here is a short and sweet on the engine probs:

    "The engine's downfall was premature camshaft wear in some early models; both V45 and V65. In retrospect, the wear was caused either by production problems, sub-quality steel alloys, or by inadequate oiling flow. Owners have often modified their oiling systems and successfully eliminated the wear problem, and some companies sell kits to do this modification."


  3. I've looked at a few posts here and why is it a lo of you hate on Hd riders?

    I 've ridden all types of bikes, and yea some of the HD riders don't wave but others do.

    My boss is an old time HD rider and always waved and looked and commented how much he liked my other bikes.

    I currently own a Fat Boy, and the reason I bought it was the zzr1200 I owned was just to fast. I ran 80-85 all the time becasue that is where it like to live.

    I bought the HD as a way to slow myself down and I got a GREAT deal on it.

    Just an observation.

    So if you wave I'll wave back


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