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Status Updates posted by sonavabeech

  1. Hey! You're back! Yay!

  2. I seldom ride west. I normally ride going to and from Columbus.

  3. Darth Nanio! wuz dat mean?

  4. It took me a while to put it all together. A couple of weeks ago I was corresponding with a dude that works for Wal-mart in their warehouse facilities/quality control in Bentonville. His name was Matt Couch. It bugged me for the longest time b/c I knew the name sounded familiar....Then I see cattmouch33 on the forum. HA!

  5. Yeah still have the bike. I haven't pushed trying to sell it since I showed it to you.

  6. Hey Stranger! Long time no see yer honkey ass! Surviving the winter?

  7. i must have had a brain fart or something and probably hit cancel instead of send or something. anyway, i wanted to get your email so i could send you some of the things we had in mind and see if friday afternoon/evening or anytime sunday would be convienent for you.

  8. I think I either emailed or pm'd you. Not sure if it went through because I don't have anything in my outbox. Did you receive any messages from me?

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