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Status Updates posted by PrincessPratt

  1. At least my bike is still running! I may have dumped it secondary to a kickstand issue but I've been able to keep it out of 2 foot ditches thus far. Bahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Sorry HAD to go there buddy! :)

  2. Once again....ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. My bike's fine. Leg's a bit sore BUT I fell into the grass b/c I was at the edge of my driveway. It didn'nt help tho that sharon woods is nothing but hills! GRRR. My frame sliders that everyone makes fun of me for being so huge saved me. It was a slow fall tho I just didin't get my feet down in time to save it.

  4. Soooooo it's 0625 today and I'm sitting on my bike putting my gloves on getting ready to ride up to sharon woods metro park for my run with the group. Why is it that I HAD my kickstand up BUT started falling over? My bike totally fell on top of me and I had to wake up my neighbors 18 year old son to help me lift the bike up. That sucker was HEAVY. Then the girl running right in front of me took a tumble...huge abrasion on her knee/leg...and almost had 5 others run over her and fall too!!!! Yikes now I'm gonna go mow my lawn. I'm a bit nervous since I seem to be attracting accidents today! :)

  5. Are you the guy who helped me get into screaming willies last night? I don't know too many other lunatiks on the board. :) Anyhoo, THANKS!

  6. Julie! I came to your page to thank you & Justin for the other night. Well really you since YOU answered your phone. :) THEN I noticed those guns on your arms! NICE! I miss mine. :(

  7. Chris I came to leave you a comment on here and I'm the ONLY one who's left you a comment. What up wit dat???? I even forgot what I was going to write??!!! :) Having a blonde moment!

  8. i saw u on my friend page and had NO clue who you were silly!!! :) What brought on the change?

  9. Thanks for showing me the way out on Sunday! :)

  10. OK....I'm thinking you're the person from PF Changs when I was with my buddy Jeff (Kreator)???? You should do an introduction thread for yourself! :)

  11. Shawn were r u dude???

  12. Your page has had 92 visits thus far! I think that I may be 91 out of 92 since Danielle had to come to your page to add you. Do you think I'm a cyber stalker?

  13. You suck ass so much sometimes!!!! :) I'll tell ya what I mean lata! Hugs!

  14. Yo man...enjoyed sharing a breakfast sandwich with you last friday! :) Still in SPD???

  15. Thanks for the advice Blosser! I love you man!

  16. And do you not think others are going to say the same thing about this one???? Come on now!!!!!

  17. Seriously is that avatar suppose to be any better??????

  18. u going to hooters tonight?

  19. Try not to drink so much rum and coke tonight you sexy man beast!!!!! ;) What time u want to get there?

  20. Why u think somethings wrong cuz I'm posting sappy lyrics? LOL. Charles you know I've always worn my emotions on my sleeves! ;))

  21. Don't u have work to do Jeffrey????

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