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Posts posted by LadfromAus

  1. What's up guys?

    I'm thinking about getting a 1 pce suit as I'd like to try a track day or two. I've never been and it sounds like fun. My problem is I'm vertically challenged and rather rotund. 5'8", 240lbs wearing a 40/30 jean size and xl/xxl shirts. I did look for something a few years ago but everything was either too tight or too long - that was in the UK though - I've noticed that US attire is more my...umm..."style", yeah, let's say that. The way I see it I have 3 options here:

    a) Custom suit - how much to pay, where to get one?

    b) Buy off the rack and have it tailored to fit. I assume it's easier to buy the tall guy suit and "shorten" it rather than buying the right height and letting it out.

    c) Lose weight - remembering beer and food are good not sure I can do it.

    Anyone see any other options or have pros/cons for each/any?

  2. Hello one and all, just found out about your site here (from 600rr.net if you're tracking referrals!) and thought I'd join the party. Living in Fairborn right now and looking to meet and ride with some peeps. Not being a local the roads I'm finding are way too straight so I need some help finding the good spots.

    Take care and hope to see you 'round.

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