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About koreilly

  • Birthday 04/01/1968

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  • Vehicles(s)
    1995 Ducati 900 Super Sport

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. :guitar:check out the new scooter site. I love to ride my ducati, but recently pruchased a 1980 Vespa P200e and it is a lot of fun as well.
  2. koreilly


    sorry for being a post whore for a minute-just rest some more of the thread. the "wide open riders" where who i was refering to regarding the rt 4 ride. i just heard of them and talked to the two organizers yesturday.
  3. koreilly


    sorry, forgot, if you want to get a hold of me for a ride call me at (513) 313-1685. since we are of close proximity, maybe we could meet and ride up to rt 4 together this weekend.
  4. koreilly


    if you are up for a ride, i know a group that meets on rt four in fairfield, just off 275. they meet at the hooters across from showcase cinema at noon to 12:30. they are trying to make it noon. they then head to the shell gas station directly after that to fuel up and such. sunday is a larger group. they have been doing this the last couple of months. you can also catch the group leaving aa hwy in kentucky off 275 at the shell station. they usually leave at 11, but i think they are starting to leave at 1 because of the colder weather. they meet at the shell station and run down 165 and such. if you want to hook up with me for a ride-i am game. i live just over in westwood, not but a few minutes from cincy state. tonight i will be riding with a group of people and ending up at the comet bar on hamilton in northside.
  5. koreilly


    i live in westwood, but i have gone on the sunday ride off AA in kentucky that happens every sunday at the shell at 11 am (i think they are starting to push it to 1pm with the colder weather) i was also looking to maybe ride with the "legs wide open" group that meets saturday and sunday at the rt 4 hooters. wed night i always ride with a scooter group that ends up at the comet in northside. i was actually planning to get a scooter to give my ducati a bit of a break next year when i ride with them.
  6. koreilly


    hello. anyone riding this week?
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