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Everything posted by *Hollywood*

  1. I figured maybe there would be somemore people in this section since it is getting late. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58419
  2. I am having a hard time finding this out. I need to know what this laptop is worth in perfect condition.<<<<<gateway mx7525 notebook >>>>> If anyone can tell me I would appreciate it. Also if you find it could you post the link on here. thanks
  3. I hate fucking traffic. It really pisses me off when you sit in traffic for ever and then get to the end and either there is nothing there, Or it's someone on the side of the road with a minor thing.
  4. It look's like your about to make your brother's leg look like his arm..
  5. Jesus christ I think my ears are bleeding........ :gtfo:
  6. Its a shame they cant get along... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3FL0Tezc6A
  7. :funny: Thats fucking great....
  8. And it still rocks.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYd6mCAcQw8
  9. Is the Stryker Brushed or brushless. I cant remember I have a brushless one and I love it. Plus I wouldnt mind having a spare and some cookies.
  10. Hey SRT my friends and I Do alot of flying. I have a few planes but I mostly fly Heli's. We fly around hilliard everyday. Let me know if you would like to join somtime.
  11. I Think I love her. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JksCqxJ7qg
  12. Wow congrat's on fucking a bunch of skank nasty ass strippers that IM sure everyone in that picture has been with. Your just to fucking cool man
  13. You should just stop talking. You sound Like A fucking moron. :gtfo:
  14. I'm not even sure how I found this but it's fucking creepy. Keep an eye out for the mini-Chuck Norris
  15. Well some 360's are not under warranty anymore. Or the warranty sticker has been tamperd with. Or alot of times somones 360 will break and they dont wantto wait for microsoft so they will buy another one or a core and just dump there old one.
  16. http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/893114529.html Sorry for the link I would have made a new post just for here but im at work.
  17. Good thing Unless your an idiot and dont have the newest F/W on your disk drive you can not get banned on live. I have allready beat Gears of war2 and am working on Fallout3. Plus I play on live with backup games all the time. Plus all you have todo when you open it not to bone the microsoft seal is gently slide the case open. Dont rip it open. PS. If you want proof that you can play with a modded 360 online hit me with a freind request....Achilles116.... Then look at my acheivments...I have games on there that are not even out yet and I have yet to get banned...
  18. Why is your title (Woof)?
  19. Why would you ever do that? If it is no faster then your bike, Then you are gaining nothing,But losing a bike that can be street ridin. Just my 2c
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