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Everything posted by Oldewing

  1. 10 bucks a year, cheap. the price Casper, not you.......
  2. Just got to get used to putting the key on the floor to start the car:cheers: Nice ride.
  3. Member of the Zoo since 95, Great place, real nice to have here. Oh, and I DON"T mind the tax.
  4. Oldewing

    Beer Pics

    Making dinner last night.....
  5. World of Beer, now those nice people built one close to me, right at Easton Town Center.... and half off draft with OSU ID on Weds...... not in school, work there, but same ID
  6. Oldewing

    77 with sidecar

    From the album: Oldewing

  7. Oldewing

    NGWclub patch

    From the album: Oldewing

  8. Oldewing


    From the album: Oldewing

  9. Oldewing


    From the album: Oldewing

  10. Oldewing

    Deals gap Gand G

    From the album: Oldewing

  11. Oldewing

    78 1000

    From the album: Oldewing

  12. Oldewing


  13. Had a RD 350, seems like a million years ago. Did an upgrade with Accel coils and help bunches. real wheelie machine. Sold it for a Mach 3 500 triple................faster, but no corners please....
  14. Instead of looking thru the corner, they look at the guradrail and that's where they go.....
  15. I have a 2.5 car garage, heated with all the goodies, air, beer fridge, etc... The rule is I must make room for the wife's car during the season that she must scrape her windows. Been better than 15 years now with no problems. Cept now I have 2 bikes out back in the shed, 1 over at a friends garage, and 4 packed in my "work" area on my side. My truck is outdoors, cept for when I am at work:D She seems to think I have too many:eek:
  16. Got over to Zanesville, then south on 60 to the Triple Nickel (555) down to the river. Lunch then back up 60 to 37 over to 13 and lastly 40 home. 246 miles, a few beers and a great Bologna sandwich All on a bike I just put together on Saturday
  17. Been there twice, lots of traffic, bike kind. Weekends are real busy, try a mid week day I did US 555 last week right here in our back yard, I won't bother with the trip back the 129......... and 555 is better than 50 miles:eek: now some of the corners are spaced a bit father apart then the dragon, but you are home at night too....... The Dragon is something you should do, but don't make it the whole trip, the Skyway and almost any other road around there is real good. And check out "Wheels thru time" in Maggie Valley and real bike Musem, and they all run. The owner walks thru, you point at a 1919 somthing or other, he kicks it to life and rides up and down the isles. So Cool.
  18. Have a Corbin "Gunfighter" on my 78 GL 1000, put about 7K on her last year. Good investment, flea-bay for 100.00 goes for 325.00 new.
  19. Been busy at work, and www.NGWclub.com 4 cylinder Goldwing site, so I have not been here in over a year. Time to get ready for ridin' season. Cept all this snow........ Also busy with swapping the engine out of one of my bikes, along with "off season" upgrades to others. Hope to see you out and about.....
  20. ASK is the dealership of Paul Ackers and his daughters, started in Lancaster Ohio back in the early 70's Ackers Susika Kawisikkei Sorry for the spelling, I ride a Honda
  21. Will be off on an 2800 mile road trip, maybe next year
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