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Everything posted by Oldewing

  1. Last Friday, my friend, and neighober got hit when a soccer ma ran a stop sign and t-boned him. Not hurt, but the bike will need forks and a wheel and things. Long story short, It WAS her fault, but it is always us that pay the price, so please watch out for everyone.
  2. Update G and R is the sammie shop, not G and J. Sun and open roads, 268 mile of smiles
  3. Have to go from Columbus to Findlay for work tomorrow, talked the boss into letting me take my own ride instead of the work truck My bike, paided, sunshine Lunch at the G and J's . Fried Bolanga sandwiches....... Hope the sunburn don't give it away that I had a bad day at work
  4. Had trouble on sidewalks before, but never in the end'o line striped area. Sounds like Barney Fife Security Dude needs a life..... When forced to park in the regular space's, I put my bike at the rear of the space sideways, so it is CLEAR that it is a taken space.
  5. Yes to the Homecoming and yes to the Honda Hoot down south, along with a trip to the Dragon, and Alabama to see some folks from the NakedGoldwing.com boards. I love summer....
  6. Been around Columbus for a while, On two wheels a while also Hope to have some fun, and have a cool adult bevrage or too...
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