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Everything posted by redk61k

  1. i can probably gather about 7 guys up to ride.
  2. I am an ams-oil dealer and stand by synthetics all the way...except in my bike. I put synthetic in for my first change and (it was motorcycle formula) the clutch started acting funny so the next day i went and picked up some conventional motorcycle oil and it got better. I was talking to a buddy that has a 07 gsxr 1000 and his did same except he kept riding on it and it burnt the clutch up. In the same i knoe other guys that use it with no prooblems.
  3. go to r1rockets.com , go to contact info and contact that guy and he will get you set up. Its about 400 for any color and he has them done in a weekend.
  4. scartch the frame with a screw driver real good = gaurentee total
  5. i did some surfin around and it seems that he was let out of his contract due to an even or incident that occured at blitz bash. I am sure that more will come out as time goes buy. I know i would like to know what happend.
  6. or just email this link to her from and unknown email addy, mabey she will conect the dots. I have had a somewhat similiar situation happen. Me and some buddies were filling up at the gas station and these hood rats came waling up wanting a ride. They wouldnt take no for an answer. So we said okay and tole them to go inside for what ever they were there for and then we would go for a ride. Well they went in with us sitting there but came out to a different picture.
  7. redk61k


    i was at the track on sunday for a bit. Really went just to check it out and watch some of the pro bikes run and check out the vendors and see if i might catch a deal on a part. Definatly slow out there.
  8. yeah i only caught part of the show and was wondering why greggo wasnt there. Danm! someone always has to mess up a good thing!
  9. Hey guys my name is chris. I am 21 and live in pataskala. I have had a couple bikes in the past and gotten rid of them due to some close calls with idots in cars. I recently recieved a promotion at work and decided to go buy a new bilke. I ended up buying a red 2006 GSXR1000. I love it. It handels awsome and has all the power you could ever ask for. I ride ALOT! In the past month of having my gixxer i have put 4500 miles on it. I ride alot down in the zanesville area. We have a little group that get togeather and hits some very nice twisty roads and have a complete blast! Looking forward to meeting and riding with some of you! Chris
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