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Everything posted by motorsal

  1. yeah Cleaner you may be right...But sometimes we come back!!! I say let those who ride...decide.
  2. motorsal

    My Rant

    Where should I start....#1. Never ever take yourself too seriously..#2 ALLWAYS take tin cans very seriously..lmao at the first thread...brother you really need to concentrate your passions in a better direction..#3 ALLWAYS watch out for the dumb-asses on the road.Since you didn't interrogate the asshole with the non-worn brain bucket you can assume a thousand different ideas, all or none may be correct...I have died with a brain bucket on..The only time I would wear one now is if I know I'm gonna be moving faster than 45, usually just the highway. I know that I may be tempting fate, but I firmly believe that if its your time to crossover there isn't much you can say about it. I'm pullin for ya...were all in this together...
  3. motorsal


    The ol lady and I went to Niagra falls this past week...Had a great time...It was very expensive, but worth it..Dont ride from southern Ohio...hard-tails are murder on your ass...If any of you decide to go...go to the Canadian side, they have a better view...We had a great time but man I gotta tell ya it sure feels good to be back home...In the USA..
  4. first get yourself a charger...Your gonna need it anyway when winter comes...fully charge the battery yourself and check it with a volt meter before you put it back in the bike...Second...Eagle had a good idea as well; that will lead you in the next direction..I'm pullin for ya...were all in this together....lmao at regreen...good luck..
  5. I think the bitch is a dumbass...I also think she was looking for an excuse to ditch the one she was with...I love to ride and my ol lady doesnt...we have been together for 17 years...At first she thought it was cool I was a biker...But then she figured out she wasn't into the crazy lifestyle...I still ride and she doesnt...NO BIG DEAL...It really comes down to what you or your significant other can live with or without...The ol lady gave up years ago; trying to change me....So good luck to that dumbass...
  6. you have got to be kiddingme...Only in our country can such bullshit be allowed to happen...You dont find this crap in other countries...If we took ALL the money we spend in Iraq for one year, we could build a wall so thick and so tall the only way though would be the gate or helo. I love my country..but sometimes I absolutly hate my government!
  7. my kid is pretty heavy into HP...Just a family thing to do..I could easily live without it...BUT when your married with children, sometimes you are compelled to do things you really don't care for....Hey Vic..I really liked the happiness thing...I could go for the same and a million bucks.
  8. Today inWilmington was the Harry Potter festival.Me the ol lady and the kid were on our way home... when some really stupid ass mother fucker flew right out in front of us..about 75 foot away on a midsize crotchrocket..pulled out of the Duchess gas station..We were in no danger of hitting him...The only way we noticed him was due to the fact we saw him in the headlights of oncoming traffic.. He did have his light on, but the stupid bastard had so much fuckin gear on the back of his bike, the tail lights were completely covered up....Now some folks may think that 75foot is a pretty good distance; but moving at 60mph at dusk really cuts down on reaction time...I really hope that stupid mother fucker knows about this site and reads this..due to the way he rides, he's either gonna be digging out asphalt or dead soon....thanx for listening to the rant...
  9. 10 dollars to a donut hole...The prosecuter dropped all charges. IF the suspect had a concealed weapon under the seat, I would say he still stepped over the line by extricating her from the vehicle...There could have been a better way to handle the situation...In this case we clearly see how alcohol impairs judgement...
  10. I use s100 on my sporty...Be careful on what you use on the painted surfaces...
  11. hold on to that thought...that may very well be my next move....I rebuilt the back brake today, put new pads on the left front, I'm waiting on Buckmins for the pads for the right side...But the carb is my primary concern!!!!...please stay tuned for details....Thanx a bunch...Dan:burnout:
  12. didn't work...i heard sombody at fayette cycles is a super e guru.. I'm gonna try for them today..Thanks for the help.
  13. I'll try that tomorrow...thanx
  14. I have a 79 sporty.I put a new super e carb on it it.I'm running straight pipes. I took it to the shop to have it fine tuned.It hasn't ran right since.I keep dry fouling plugs.The idle mixture screw was out 3 full turns before I started to mess with it.It cranks up at 1 and half turns out.But I stll keep dry fouling plugs.They were supposed to have changed out the jets, i was charged for it. Do I need to burn hotter plugs?I'm at a loss as what to do..I would appreciate any help..Thanks a bunch!
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