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Everything posted by erich

  1. erich

    Rear tire change

    Not to jack the lube thread, but is yota still doing tires? my back one has had it
  2. one more for lodge bar if the weather holds. way closer to home than qs&l if it rains.
  3. erich

    Qs&l 04-09-08

    i'll be at the shell since it looks like the rain is over for today
  4. I saw the aftermath, emergency was already on the scene. Too bad about the bike looked pretty bad, looked like about half the bike was under the car. I doubt theres much to save. Glad you got out of it ok.
  5. erich

    New kinda

    yeah that was me. although i no longer have a backfire off throttle. turned out to be a loose vacuum cap (thanks motorsports of columbus). ah yes, the cow pie, welcome to cow town usa.
  6. erich

    New kinda

    Met a few of you last year, but since the weathers getting nicer and I've got some time on the new bike gonna try to make some rides this year. Anywho everybody likes pictures so.
  7. might be adding a superhawk @ HNW if i can get outta work fast enough
  8. If i remember correctly someone tried to sell her on ebay.
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