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Status Updates posted by nochknstrps

  1. anim_nutkick.gif thats how you handle comments such as the ones made this afternoon
  2. image.php?u=2175&dateline=1248929713&type=thumb

    JK parks but seriously get out of your head and just ride the bike. You've lost your mojo

  3. 4DAIVI PAI2K5 "get a fricken bike, barrow the hauler and truck and lets to the gap in the spring!"

    Its in Az. Not gonna happen and I wouldn't want to pay for the diesel. 12mpg no thanks. rather spend the money on a hotel

  4. accept your invite focker!

  5. Adam I'm really tired of these low res pics for your avatar. Post up the goods or stop using them!!!!

  6. any luck on getting a bike?

  7. Did alittle PI work on your avatar and Either thats one helluva anatomically correct manikin or the hookers in coshocton are better than we give you credit for.

  8. Didn't see your post for the 636 fs until just now. all the info is on the original post. Mike is in Delaware have your friend give him a call thanks

  9. eh not going to happen... So where are the pictures of you draggin knee at the gap?

  10. figures I get access to a computer and its over.:devil:

  11. Ha... just cause I don't attention whore post getting a new bike like every other turd on the board doesn't mean I don't have one. Have you seen the cheap 750s on wera lately?

  12. have any photo shoots lately

  13. hey you see all those 09 r6s being sold on wera b/c of Yamaha's contingency is down. Too bad you didn't hold out could have one for 3k more than the one you have in the garage.

  14. Hey fucker when are you gonna let me ride the 750?

  15. Hey fucker... looks like you guys are about to get some rain.

  16. Hey what happened to Nitro?

  17. Hey whatever happened with Ron's hot ass sister. Wait let me rephrase that hot ass younger sister?

  18. hi back, havin fun grillin Quick draw McGraw?

  19. I found my new avatar!!! wahoo

    what exactly did you have that violates terms of use?

  20. I was going nuts when the season first started but now I'm just going crazy looking for a job. I'm getting tired of sitting around.

  21. I'm in florida right now, i'll be back sometime in the near future. I'll be sure to come out there when i get back.

  22. I'm just lurking these days... Nothing really worth commenting on. Just a bunch of gay threads, people bitching and moaning about personal failures, or shit that I can read if yahoo was my homepage. Can't wait 'til winter boredom sets in, that's when its fun around here.

  23. ic well keep us posted

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