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Status Updates posted by nochknstrps

  1. Why do I have to be all that... sheep fucker?

  2. Not so good, I'm too indecisive. Too many bikes, nothing close enough for me to just go look at and I hate spending a wad of cash on something I don't know the clear history about.

  3. negative. but its all good for now.

  4. any luck on getting a bike?

  5. yeah but I'm free to roam about the country... back to florida soon and a stop on the NC coast. Maybe a trip to cali in late august or september

  6. lies lies all lies... I don't have a bike. Prob wont have one this summer unless I find a high paying job.

  7. I was going nuts when the season first started but now I'm just going crazy looking for a job. I'm getting tired of sitting around.

  8. So sad I missed out on the chaos of yesterdays ride... LOL

    Its really funny people talk like you were a paid guide or something. Lack of organization, didn't do a good job at this and didn't do that... Fuck you could have just said "Welcome to Coshocton, Thanks for coming out. hope to see you at the end of the ride"

  9. Hey whatever happened with Ron's hot ass sister. Wait let me rephrase that hot ass younger sister?

  10. Lets just say the up keep isn't as good as it used to be, trust me.

  11. Yeah are those boobs I see?

    Coshocton hookers!

    How much did the photo shoot run you?

  12. Did alittle PI work on your avatar and Either thats one helluva anatomically correct manikin or the hookers in coshocton are better than we give you credit for.

  13. Someone is trying to copy your style of posting in FS threads.


  14. Yo when are you going to post some pics of the new paint job?

  15. Lmao!!! what are you trying to say nick all black people look alike? jk

    we get that all the time lol. :lol: Just remember he is the thuggish one with the Icon gear and he is a bit darker.

  16. yeah, I don't like to brag but you did ask... LOL

  17. There's no points for 2nd place

  18. which pics are you talking about? my crash, then yeah thanks.

  19. Adam I'm really tired of these low res pics for your avatar. Post up the goods or stop using them!!!!

  20. I found my new avatar!!! wahoo

    what exactly did you have that violates terms of use?

  21. hi back, havin fun grillin Quick draw McGraw?

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