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Status Updates posted by Wheezle

  1. I hear ya, I guess I will have to get the jar head down hear to help me.:D

  2. I walked away with lots of injuries I have yet to go back to work

  3. Thats cool I was the only bike out there tonight. Maybe I will catch you out there another night.

  4. LOL!! I am stumped as to where to go from here. I want to carry the flag but I dont want to tear up my bike.

  5. Hey when do you want that seat pan? Also do you still have that front sprocket for the bike?

  6. :lol: I think I'm gonna have to come up there for the show or the neo party.
  7. Nah I am just crazy and wanted to ride so bad. When is the next lunch get together?

  8. Mine was about the same price for all the parts.

  9. Is that what it is? I thought that u lost count of your sheep when you took that off!

  10. Hey bud, r u workin?

  11. you going to the party tonite?

  12. Wassup!! Hey Dave, I don think so right now but if I do I will let you know.

  13. I here ya, Ill let the Marine figure it out 2mro!

  14. Hey peckerheqd call me 6146578305 I need totall to you

  15. You old geezer!
  16. Well we miss you out there at Hooters!! I hope you get it in ya to come out.

  17. I may hook up with Tom and vulcan 2mro. You gonna join them at IP?

  18. I may join the both of you that night if you don't mind

  19. Juct call me it's complicated

  20. I thought 2mro was fri. my bad! LOL!!

  21. Happy Birth Day Ross!!

  22. Hi MJ, how are you feeling? Hope all is well!

  23. Got me a knew car holmes!!
  24. l8r Bro, Im hitting the Hay! Thanks for the advice!

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