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Posts posted by homewrecker

  1. Then we have Richard Baker in 2004 saying we have a problem with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and a shit load of Dems say he was wrong.. WOW I bet they are kicking themselves now...

    Nice to see someone doing there homework. Richard Baker wasn't the only one talking about the problems. John McCain was also. But the dems ignored them and covered up the issues so minorities could get loans and bankrupt the country.

  2. not if the banks continue to piss money away and make bad decisions, then all the money spent on them goes directly in the trash. Example, if you give a crackhead a boat load of money, and tell them to get clean, and they blow all the money on crack again, who's fault is it. The companies and bank ceo's may be set in their ways, and looking how to fill their already fat wallets, they could care less if they destroy their companies, they will just abandon ship right before it sinks, we've already seen that happen in the bank industry and in big business, ceo's running the company into the ground, stealing as much money as possible, and jumping ship. So why give the companies any more money? I say let them sink, and prosecute the criminals, we've yet to see that happen!

    best thing I've heard someone say from this site yet!

  3. You just quoted two extremely biased news sources. The stimulus package will work in specified targeted areas like construction.

    No it wont. Go back to the great depression. Roosevelt tried the same thing. It didnt work then and it wont work now. The only thing that worked for Roosevelt was going to war. For that matter if you really do your homework you will find that Roosevelts efforts is why we had a "great" depression. The rest of the world ony had a depression. We were in a depression twice as long as the rest of the world because of everything Roosevelt did. The exact same things that Obama is trying to do now. Also who do you think these government employed construction workers are going to be. If your thinking anything besides illegal immigrants you need to have your head examined. How does employing a ton of illegals to build roads stimulate the economy? Explain that to me.

  4. Yea... your source isn't biased or anything -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NewsMax

    A lot of people would say wilkipedia is biased. So who gives a shit. Facts are facts. Who cares where they come from. dont read the commentary just look at where the money is going. If you cant see it for yourself that its a do nothing stimulus package then I dont know how you are even smart enough to breathe. Let alone read or make educated decisions.

  5. The so called stimulus package passed by house democrats is a joke. It will fix nothing. It will not create jobs. Only 12 cents of every dollar from the 800+ billion might actually stimulate the economy or create jobs. The rest of the money is nothing but earmarks and pork barrel spending. And I specifically remember Obama saying that he would end earmarks and frivilous government spending. I guess its not change we can beleive in after all. Read this link to find out more. http://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/stimulus_pork_spending/2009/01/29/176503.html

  6. HUH?? Violent crimes will occur if guns are banned or not. Do you know how many criminals have "registered" guns? If a criminal wants to use a gun for a crime, they typically use guns they buy on the street.

    As far as people not defending themselves, how do they become a bigger target? So, if that is the case and the fact that few Americans carry a concealed weapon, everyone else is a target? How so?

    People make themselves a target, people create targets for themselves and some just are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Drive by shootings amongst gang members... Guys shot were carrying guns and yet, they were targets... Point is that violent crimes happen all the time whether guns are legal or not...

    Lets say hypatheticaly (sp.) you are a criminal about to rob someone or rape a man or woman whichever you prefer. Would you be more likely to attack someone that could kill you or someone that can't defend themself. There have been several studies on the subject. There was even a city in Georgia that passed a law saying that everyy homeowner in that city had to own a gun. They passed that law immediately after chicago passed there ban on guns. Since the passing of the two laws there have been more crimes in chicago. However there has not been one single violent crime in the city in Georgia. It has been proven time and time again that when people can properly defend themselves against criminals that are always going to have guns no matter what ban you pass crime levels go down. Every single man should own a gun to protect his family. He should be properly trained how to use it and keep it in a safe place where children can't get at it but have it close at all times. You can disagree if you want but these are my opinions and the facts.

  7. http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=4365942&page=1

    I wonder if this is the change that he talks about all of the time. I would like to know what change he can bring. He has been in politics in chicago and illinois since the 90's. Nothing has changed in chicago since he entered politics. Chicago is still filled with poor, uneducated, sick, uninsured, criminals, and all other forms of social degenerates and lower levels of society. What has he changed. I am in Chicago once a week for work and it only gets worse. No improvement, no change. Just more of the same.

  8. Not to be too sarcastic but if soooooo many people seem to want social med. because of price why not social gas as well. Then we could all depend on the gov. for everything. Everyone would have a full tank and be healthy all at the same time what a wonderful world that would be. The gov. in reality should have lowered or suspended taxes on fuel for stimulus instead of the checks we are supposed to get this summer.

  9. Wow....

    Lets stoop to name calling when someone disagrees with you. The intelligence level of this forum has dropped considerably.

    I guess I'm stupid because I've never heard of some reporter that used to work for the New York Times. I guess I'm stupid because I didn't realize that being the daughter of immigrants makes someone an "unbiased" source.

    While I'm guessing, care to clue me in on "facts" that I missed? I'd hate to disappoint you, but I'm probably too stupid to give you a link to the 17%

    Carry on...

    I didn't figure you could find a link supporting your 17%. And I listed a lot more than new york times. She is a pundit for fox news channel. She also occasionally works for cnn, msnbc, and most other major media outlets. I never said you should have heard of her just that you shouldn't try to discredit someone without knowing anything about them. THAT is lowering the intelligence of this forum.

  10. How do you know it's worse care? What is the basis for this argument -- or are you just making ASSumptions? What are you comparing? While, in theory, the free market allocates resources according to their scarcity - there are certain things that are better-off being run by an inefficient system (namely the gov't) to ensure costs are contained.

    You want one example that took me all of 5 minutes to research -- utility deregulation. An example of how a gov't monopoly was better for consumers. If Enron was a gov't run institution, it wouldn't have happened. Educate yourself.

    ok at this point we are just:beathorse:. I am never going to agree with you and you are never going to agree with me so I don't see the point in arguing over nothing. I will simply agree to disagree.

  11. What about it needs to be "tightened'? If you feel it needs to be fixed, there must be something about it that you dont like. Care to expand on that topic?

    Actually, the percentage of "illegal aliens" in US prisons is far less than that - around 17%. About 1/3 of the Federal Prison population are aliens, but not all of them are here "illegally".

    I've never heard of Michelle Malkin, but is she uniquely qualified to write about immigration because she's the daughter of immigrants? By the way, just because she's an "investigative reporter" doesn't make her writing more believable - reporters are supposed to "investigate" their stories. Geraldo Rivera fancies himself an "investigative reporter" too. Wonder if he's still looking for Capone's stash???

    okay you are really dumb. Michelle Malkin was a reporter for the new york times before quittting due to the liberal slant of the paper. She is now an author, and pundit for several news shows and web sites. Her qualifications for writing said book have nothing to do with parents. I only put that to show that she is an unbiased source. And yes geraldo is a dumbass much like yourself since you make comments before knowing facts. You investigate as much as him. And where did you get 17%, post link. :flingpoo::bigfinger:

  12. You first source is a known CONSERVATIVE slant, therefore it is not an unbiased fact source. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=National_Center_for_Public_Policy_Research

    Ditto for number #2... conservatives.com, gimme a break

    They have an agenda to seek out material that slams social medicine and boosts private medicine. How much are they being paid, and by who? Ohh, I found some of the things that organization lobbies for...and the scandals involved. BIG supporter... or 'willing ally' as one article put it of big tobacco.



    who cares if they are a big supporter of tobacco. It is anyones god given right to smoke and kill themselves slowly if they want. It however is not anyones right to health care. In no religious book or even in a governing document (ie. constitution) does it say that you or anyone else has a right to health care. :violin:

  13. Yes they need to start enforcing it. However it needs to be tightened as well. I don't recall saying everything in the movie was true only that there were a lot of irish gangs. Some of which were listed in the movie. Yes there are more people in our prisons that are born an raised here however the prison population in the U.S. is 26% illegal immigrants last time I checked, it's been a few months so that number could be off a little. If you would like a good book on our immigration policies I could suugest one. It was written by Michelle Malkin, I can't remember the name but should be easy to find. She is the daughter of legal immigrants. It is a very good informative read. She is an investigative journalist so it is not just b.s. she writes about.

  14. I think maybe you should go back and read some of the original posts to this thread! If you had done that you would see people advocating personal spending accounts. Insurance is crap. They have profit in mind ahead of your health. And your right I haven't experienced socialized medicine however I know people who live in Europe and people who have lived in Europe. They have a lot of bad things to say about the health care and very few good things to say. Also maybe you haven't talked to an elderly person lately about their medicare. I haven't talked to a single one who is happy with it. They all wish they could have saved when they were young so they could afford to pay their own way. You can assume this is all dribble if you want but I only state what I know. I don't make assumptions or guesses when making statements. I will also look for some threads for you since you assume I am too narrow minded to see your side of the so called debate. It's only a debate when both sides are partially right.

  15. isnt it strange how children are the future but teaching jobs are some of the least well paying?

    if we could darn well get ron paul in office some of these things might change after the Dept. of Ed. is no longer a part of the federal government.

    How do you figure that teachers are some of the least paid. They have an average salary of 48k nation wide which is well above the national median. Ron Paul is nutjob. Give that dream up. He would be better than hillary or ossamabama but it won't happen so just figure out a way to keep the dems out of office.

  16. Have any of you watched Sicko? While you have to take everything Micheal Moore puts out with a grain of salt due to the spin, but there are some issues that social medicine addresses that the free market can't. I don't know where I stand on social vs. free market healthcare, but I don't take solace in the fact that the free market incentive is to kill me off through NOT treating me so profits can be generated. Insurance isn't charity - they're in it to make money through cost sharing (as mentioned by gsxrnurse) and denial of disbursement. While insurance can never deny you treatment, they can refuse to cover the costs - so you're bankrupt after any type of medical disaster. Social medicine will fix some aspects of that part of the equation.

    On the other hand, the free market makes sense from some other aspects, like privacy and choice. I'm sure the optimal solution is some BALANCE of both aspects so people can choose privacy over cost, or some tiered progression thereof.

    But, since we have to deal with the system as it stands today, I think that forcing people to be more proactive in their health and choices is the best way to curtail these health issues. I believe, HSAs (again as mentioned above) and other high deductible health care plans will help with this.

    How the hell do you figure that the free market solution is to kill you off. They cant make money off of you if your dead. Social medicine will fix nothing. Michael Moore is a dumb ass. Have you seen any of the other movies generated to debunk sicko. They go to cuban hospitals and show doctors covered in feces and blood and urine for an entire shift. How sanitary. And healthy! Jackass!

  17. Somalis are shit! Who cares. Immigrants have always committed more crimes than seasoned citizens. Look back to the irish and the potato famine. They came over here and started all kinds of gangs. Some of which were talked about in gangs of new york. They actually existed. Dead Rabbits, Bowery boys etc. I am from new york and could go on all day about it. The only thing that can be done is tighten our immigration policy. But that will never happen because everyone wants cheap labor so kill em all or figure out a way to make money off of them.

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