I lost my best friend (more like brother) about seven years ago, before that we were together nearly everyday. When I got the call from his girlfriend that he was hanging in his basement it didn't surprise me, but I'm glad I wasn't driving the car I was in. I would have crashed. Looking back, I don't know how either of us stayed alive as long as we did. Also, I believe that if he were still here, one or both of us would not be here, nor would my children. It's been a long time and still there isn't a day I dont remember him. The only change is, my thoughts of anger and sorrow have turned to smiles. The smiles are from memories that pop up and you can't help but laugh and think "how dumb could we be?" On a side note, when I moved back to Cincy from Cocoa Beach many years ago my friends threw a party for me. We were killing flaming dr. peppers and who knows what drugs? Anyway Kevin passed out on the couch, ended up with one sock on. This happened many times and we dubbed him the nickname one-sock aardvark. Later it was shortened to aardvark. Now my 15 month old son always runs around wearing one sock. Kind of scary, I hope he won't do what we did. RIP Kevin Amshoff