I am selling my 92gal, corner tank with a bowed front end. I have a matching oak stand with 2 doors and lots of storage room inside. It is black. It is in excellent condition. The tank is in new condition except for some dirt. It comes with: Aqua Clear filter, Powerhead, under gravel filter, air bubbler, heater (aluminum not glass), 24" blue leds, glass top, and working lights. I'll throw in the power strip if you want. Oh yeah, I have a magnetic algae cleaner. The dimensions are approx. 5ft. High. From the rear it is 3' each way. It has flourescent orange, black, and white gravel. I have some neat big rocks and some fake plants. The tank, stand, top and light cost over $1000 new. I have around $1500 in it. It is in almost new condition. O.R.net price $675. I am asking 800 on craigslist. I would be willing to deliver or meat halfway for a fee. You will need a truck for this, it's huge. .