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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. i hate that she didnt at least give racing a chance. I gave football,baseball and all those other boring sports a chance,but they never seemed cool to me. Racing is a sport of man vs machine vs man and you cant blame the "team" for anything. Its one on one at its finest. Rossi is the man and i bet she is just pissed she couldnt touch him.
  2. tell them u rented the trailer in ky. They dont have to have plates there.
  3. Hope all is well man! Also hope u can figure out how to keep that bad ass bike!
  4. Well if they built fences there would be no sheep? Sheep owner should have to pay for it all!
  5. Man u can sure type lol. I was teasing u about the video comment thats what the:p meant. Lizard i can tell you i will do my part to help riders the best way i know how. I am no lizard,but i will catch one,1day lol. I like teaching and no matter who its for I will do my best. I hope one day i can help out a BG and other tracks.
  6. Were u there? Who was riding wheelies on a r6? As for riders they are not all on or at race pace so the rp's are just rp's. I use a tree at rd atlanta and it blows in the wind,but its my rp. Learning to ride is still fresh in my head therefore i can connect with the students and still remember my first everything. Yes wearing the vest is a a major task and with so many riders on track you have to constantly change it up. Like i said i had many one on ones with people,but the video is for the riders viewing where we study their line not my line. I have 1 whole video dedicated to line and i show that to them also. I am learning and hope the learning never stops for me or anyone else. For god sake NO ONE would stop on a hot track for any reason so that rumor is lame and stupid! I have video of u controll riding too lol:p
  7. With a helmet cam you cant see where my bike is facing only my head. When i'm leaned at all me head can be feet over and my line is hard to read. The rider being taped can see where he is on the track and when we talk i can point at the screen and say he should be there Etc.... Lizard you of all people know how much is involved in teaching and coaching. I am new at it on the track,but have been helping street riders for years now. I just am getting the hang of things and i really helped people out there. Like i said this video is for them(students)and i posted it here because i saw a couple members from here up there. Anything you can help me with i would love to hear,so please PM me any helpfull hints.
  8. 1)The track put more Rp's out there just as something to look at and judge line when no one is there. More RP's is always a good thing.. 2)I am filming the students so they can see themselfs after the sessions. I got too creative at some points. When it was clear behind me and a student asked to be followed i would "stray"off line to get a better look at their form and their arms. 3)looking to see if i was holding back the faster students. I dont want them to work to pass me while learning.
  9. Video from "I" and "A" classes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEJviMaFPdM
  10. I will say if you are going to buy them get GOOD ones! Its worth the extra coin and you only really have to buy them once so its worth it.
  11. i have sets, many sets to come. all pirelli and soon some stones. great sets will be $150(still track use) street sets are $100 should last min 2000 miles. i can install for free.
  12. i'm on the BG bandwagon also. Hell i'm on all the tracks bandwagon! I love track riding and racing so obviously if any track any org needs or wants my help i will give it to them. I have always tried to get riders to a track or any track from the beggining. I have nothing but love for all the tracks and would be soooooo happy to be part of anything in this sport! Mid ohio does rock though..... U know u love it lizard he he he
  13. I live less than an hour from BG so if people want to come hang out on track night your more than welcome!
  14. I never did really like it there. Then i got to race the place and WOW! I love BG just as much and would totally recomend it to EVERYONE!
  15. Did i safety wire that clip for you?
  16. What a great great weekend! Weather held out most of Sunday,but basically flawless weekend! Nice mto meet some of you also.
  17. I would love love to get my son into this! I need to get him a bike first i guess. It looks like sooooo much fun!
  18. have any sample pics. Maybe a pic of the camera? Year?
  19. gixxie750


    i work in the sewer. Wonder if this is why it seems trippy down there? I have been in a man hole and deff started seeing things and it wasnt because of methane or low O2.
  20. i will have my go pro and tv there to playback each session. If u want to be on video let me know!
  21. luke is there a fast way to mid ohio from ur house? what time does this start?
  22. I would LOVE to wear this on a race weekend lol. Wonder if the arm things are hard or soft?
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