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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. Last night some fool pulled out of Flanagans onto Sawmill on the wrong side of the road. He couldn't get back over since there's a divider, he stopped at the red light facing the wrong way :lolguy:
  2. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Wqwuu1Sas74/TacVGJPzNhI/AAAAAAAAApU/EaDzLlUn68o/s1600/Justin+Bieber+2011+Cool+Hot+Wallpaper+3.jpg :dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb:
  3. Saw this guy in front of me on Saturday. Not sure what he was going for with his plate... http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/1328/img20110827140152.jpg
  4. http://troll.me/images/futurama-fry/not-sure-if-serious-or-just-stupid.jpg.pagespeed.ce.0to9hF1p-O.jpg
  5. No, we asked them and the lady said that it's closed this time of year, and you have to book it way in advance.
  6. This is why the word "friend", or "buddy" or "pal" was created.
  7. CRed05


  8. CRed05


    Yet you find our fellow CR bro's scratching their heads.
  9. CRed05


    Great engineering, too advanced for the common person to understand. Pain in the dick to change I would imagine with it sitting in the rear of the motor. Welcome to 2005.
  10. http://www.fourtitude.com/blog/2013-audi-r8-pi.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-OXkC8WdK7w0/TlaQ8bnI7gI/AAAAAAAAII8/tfAis6uqWpY/s1600/B.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gA2E2RuB3No/TlaQ8clpaLI/AAAAAAAAII0/NdaU9TTeEWk/s320/A.jpg :fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah:
  11. Driving an SUV most of the time really makes me appreciate it when I drive the S4. http://i41.tinypic.com/2568nyf.jpg
  12. http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/news_feeds/icons/original/000/001/045/asianoctopus-hates-bukakke.jpg?1314223919
  13. Well if anyone finds a store that has some in stock, please post it here, someone at work is looking for one.
  14. ^lol, it's funny cause it's true. I never understood why other countries don't do that also.
  15. Yup, even the other site they linked to has a message written in big red letters about it being sold out. :yuno:Y I NO COME UP WITH THIS?!
  16. lol, yeah he stepped down yesterday. He's now some chairman of something.
  17. Now this thing might actually be worth owning. http://rootzwiki.com/showthread.php?t=3692
  18. I enjoyed all of them, but Audi is the one that I was the most excited about. As far as content, Porsche's was the best, and BMW's was the weakest. BMW does have the coolest looking office building though.
  19. That car was on this big rotating thing, with a bunch of concept cars, including the LeMans and Pikes Peak (R8 and Q7) It's not a TT, it's the Rosemeyer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audi_Rosemeyer
  20. Got some good drinking in. We were only there for a week so Bavaria is all we got to see, and Stuttgart. Going back for sure. It was incredible.
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