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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. You don't think sales numbers have anything to do with it? I see a ton more B5 A4's than I see e36 3-series. They both have their problems just like any car. Audi or BMW, both awesome cars. If you want an AWD car, quattro > xdrive.
  2. I've never heard of boxee. This kind of compares them all. http://www.lcdtv.net/news/internet-tv-market-crowding-112210
  3. If I drove a Camaro, probably. I'd be Walmart famous.
  4. My Samsung TV has Samsung apps on it, so it has facebook, yahoo, google maps, youtube, hulu, netflix and whatever else there is available for download. It's not much different than Google TV, but google tv is going to be the the big one. It ties into Android, Android developers are encouraged to develop for google tv as well, and there is already an app from Logitech that lets you use your phone as a google tv remote. Samsung is actually switching from their internet tv over to having GoogleTV pre-installed. If you want to go this route, go google tv.
  5. If you're a true baller you get the RS5. Some more S5 goodness: http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/619/audis5010mx1.jpg http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/176/audis5089rie4.jpg http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/4958/audis5050rop8.jpg http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/336/s5shoot009rev7.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3251/3036743878_ef7305b7d9_o.jpg http://i508.photobucket.com/albums/s327/Holdridge1/IMG_5640.jpg
  6. No, I need to. I saw a black one driving around a couple of weeks ago...ruined a good pair of jeans that day.
  7. S5 is fucking hot...BUUUUTTT I would go with an S4 because it has the 3.0T (supercharged v6). Same car, but has 2 more doors. Exhaust and chip = 360awhp. My next car will either be a B7 RS4 or B8 S4.
  8. This. Might want to make sure that it doesn't count as a signed confession.
  9. Did you get the Armani one? http://phandroid.com/2010/11/22/android-mascot-gets-stylish-with-armani-suit-hits-the-runway/
  10. Not as good as the UK version. Wasn't funny, I didn't think they gave good reviews, basically just them going "this car is cool because it is a viper/lambo". The intro for The Stig was terrible, and I don't like the fact that they changed the segment's name to "big star, little car".
  11. A buddy of mine took these at Polaris. http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/9031/img0061u.jpg http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/3854/img0062yf.jpg
  12. http://www.gifsoup.com/view3/1381065/south-park-shake-weight-o.gif
  13. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4P4R27dbAr1dsFMZGOOoNlpU09fRMvzGP5IYQPwFcNranXuMy
  14. I'ma let you finish, but Chali 2na is one of my favorite MC's of all time. "You baby MCs drink pedialyte, while underground doesn't like you, the media might"
  15. I just picked up a couple cans while I was out last night. 1. Buy Four Loko 2. Sell on black market 3. Profit
  16. Yup, it was the first game I got for PSX. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:UExitn6lZUAoHM:http://uk-gaming.net/ukgaming/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/nfs3.jpg&t=1
  17. CRed05

    Mac people

    There it is. If you want to get shit done, use windows. If you want to fap to a picture of Steve Jobs, use a mac.
  18. They're removing the caffeine, not the alcohol right? http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUw2tBqrmERHtZUjhNn1G1o88my1-uyCcC1yK0khjH7JQrO99oUQ Shits nasty anyway
  19. http://cdn1.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/083/351/original/1282083881096%20copy.jpg?1289972193 http://cdn2.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/083/319/original/cf5d6919-5c82-471d-81d1-295babfe3b71.jpg?1289961071
  20. I'd drive one. I just built one to my liking for $17,400. I've driven my step mom's Daihatsu Sirion 1.3L and it was very fun to drive, and it get's awesome gas mileage (40+mpg). I would take the 500 over the Mini, especially if I could get the Abarth 500.
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