I heard about this group only a few times before the super bowl but saw their commercial and.had to look into them. http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org This group is headed by mayor Bloomberg. They are trying to pass themselves off as a pro second amendment group but we all know anything Mr Bloomberg is associated with is no doubt anti-gun. They specifically seem to be targeting the so called gun show loop hole. Basically they want to shut down the sale of firearms at gun shows. In theory, if they got their way, any gun that is sold or transferred between individuals would have to go thru an ffl. But that would mean if you would like to pass your great Grandpa shotgun down to your kid some day you would have to take it to an ffl and do the process over like buying a new gun for your kid. They are trying to tell anyone who will listen that illegal guns are sold everyday at gun shows but in all honesty less than one percent of guns found at crime scenes are bought from gun shows. You can find more facts like that on www.gunfacts.info Now I got too looking into the members of this organization and I found that Ohio is number four on the list of total members. I think there is around 50. Here is the list of Ohio mayors supporting this group. http://www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org/html/members/members.shtml#OH I know there are people here from all around the state and there is a good chance that there is someone on this forum that has one of these mayors. I'm encouraging you to write them and express your concern over their support. There is a possibility that they might not even know they have been signed up for it and can request to be taken off the list. I'll make anyone that wants to get involved a deal. Anyone who writes a letter or email to one of these Ohio mayors I'll match you and send one also. I encourage everyone else to do the same. It would take 5 min to write an email explaining your stance and encourage them to look closer at what this group stands for. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? I think if we can change a few minds of some.men and women on that list we did good work.