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Status Updates posted by cbrjess0815

  1. I didn;t go, I went to bed early so I could go riding without a hangover today

  2. I have no idea for tonight.. tomorrow I have a huge party to attend at the shop where I get my tattoos, but I am not sure about tonight yet. My costume is super hott too! I'm excited! What are you doing??

  3. i live off 75 down into cinci.. by UC sort of. Brandon's is on the other side of the world lol. But its like my second home

  4. I need to start buying stuff for mine, I have a wish list that i have racked up to $2K already for track days next year! ANd I still wanna buy another bike!

  5. i understand, but riding ANYWHERE is no fun at all unless riding NKY :) you deff need to check it out.... I'm gonna come up and check out Coshocton next month.. You had better be there ;-)

  6. i will be at putnam, he will be at nashville for a wera race

  7. i wish! lol... being hungover on saturdays doesnt really matter, cuz i dont do shit except answer the phone and myspace it up, but the drive back would totally kick my ass... lol

  8. I would be down to go exploring some sweet ass roads sometime this summer, I haven't really branched out too far besides KY.. Mainly due to the track. We should take a weekend and head out there! I don't have any trackdays planned from may until the end of June so anytime in that time range would be sweet!!

  9. I'm just messin with your ass!! I'm lookin forward to ridin up there though... If you ever get a chance you gotta come ride NKY too :) It's always a good time and the roads are awesome!

  10. lol i know.. as soon as i saw it i about died!!!

  11. lol.. all my entertaining pics are on myspace.. i dont dare post them on here lol

  12. Me too! Kinda.. I gotta make myself busy again soon though

  13. nice tag on your thread... lol

  14. no, I didn't feel like spending money on something I'll only wear once. So I threw together a schoolgirl outfit that was perfect... All out of my own wardrobe LOL

  15. No, I will definitely check it out though

  16. Of course! You gonna be there?

  17. oh crap i didnt realize it ws the day after tomoro!! i cant go i leave sunday morning at 9

  18. Oh man that sucks... Yes the junkies parties are borderline insanity usually! We definitely need one soon...

  19. ok well, i'll be sure to make something work then... Nky is great for many reasons. It's super close so I get to ride the route every weekend I'm in town, and certain sections are comparible to the gap.just much closer and a lil more fun cuz I have it all memorized... I'm not gonna lie, you couldn't pay me enough to ride the gap. But I have my reasons for that :-/

  20. Ok, nevermind then.. There's a girl in the army up in Cbus that I met that went with a similar scheme on her gsxr...

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