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Status Updates posted by cbrjess0815

  1. no, I didn't feel like spending money on something I'll only wear once. So I threw together a schoolgirl outfit that was perfect... All out of my own wardrobe LOL

  2. where is your party tonight??

  3. Geez that thing is HUGE!! LOL

    I would have bought a yamahaha if I could have found one at the good price. of course Honda will always be my first choice. I got the parts I got for a damn good price so I had to...

  4. thats a haul.. I wouldn't get up there til like 9!

  5. and I gotta work at 8 tomoro :(

  6. i wish! lol... being hungover on saturdays doesnt really matter, cuz i dont do shit except answer the phone and myspace it up, but the drive back would totally kick my ass... lol

  7. Yea, not so much lol... we'll party it up when I dont have to work the next day though!

  8. pics from the party are now in the album haha..there's alway time to party. you gotta come down here sometime too!!!

  9. the fact that i was on a bike that at first i didnt understand. then, once i figured it out, they switched it to counter clockwise(which, as it turns out, is waaayyyyy more fun anyway) and i kept thinking about wrecking brandon's bike. so i couldnt push myself as hard o go as fast. I definitely have to go back for 2 days with my bike and master that damn track. I love it too much to not fully understand it

  10. are you going to the meet n greet sunday???

  11. Oh man that sucks... Yes the junkies parties are borderline insanity usually! We definitely need one soon...

  12. Your bike looks very familiar... where do you work???

  13. this just might be a real interesting weekend after all ;)

  14. Ok, nevermind then.. There's a girl in the army up in Cbus that I met that went with a similar scheme on her gsxr...

  15. you should totally buy some of the parts that Apch8r has for sale for your bike!!! He's got some good shit! especially the clipons and the PCIII

  16. I didn;t go, I went to bed early so I could go riding without a hangover today

  17. your avatars keep getting a lil more interesting everyday... i hope you have something to keep me entertained tomoro!!!

  18. lol.. all my entertaining pics are on myspace.. i dont dare post them on here lol

  19. Yes, I will be there!

  20. Haha thats funny.. I believe its fixed now.. you should be able to post! I was having such a bad night last night. this whole grattan thing is pissing me off... I was drunk posting and that was the proof! lol

  21. nice tag on your thread... lol

  22. Why are you selling your suit?? Do you think it would fit me? I want to come try it on!!

  23. Cuz only admins and thread starters can add tags to threads now.. ;)

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