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Status Updates posted by SRTurbo04

  1. where you at im waiting for you on forza 2
  2. pshh i i loved the pink color. green doesnt do it for me. i shall be spelling bee champ in pink!
  3. btw my desks at 2n64 an not brians is in teh 2n48 area . you cant miss his shinny bald head
  4. not sure what im susposed to be guessing but im guessing your finaly going to let me drive the poopra?
  5. the man? eeeh not so much. hows the wify/kid/prego doing
  6. homo mo moo mo mo
  7. give me awesome super powers an let me mess with all the nubes i can handle an ill throw some your way. lol
  8. waaaa to your newb thread. lol j.k om nom nommmm
  9. Not sure. Google it. Or check out some tuning forums. Or ask some computer dork.
  10. better poped some pills last night an got drunk an passed out hhaha then poped som mor eright as i woke up so im ahead of the pain wooo
  11. hey man, did one of ur audis die bor something? i havent seen u post much lately haha
  12. hey good bplace to practice dealing with gravel is a big lot parking lot off of morseroad (closer to 71 then easton) road right nexxt to the dodge dealership an by the fire sstation
  13. i fail ignore my posts.
  14. haha never mind wrong thing haha ur poopras slow
  15. im iffy u ask the hubby or jusyt tell him i put him in hoe check an tell him hes going
  16. hey buddy hows it going? when r we all gonna get some foood an catch up?
  17. hey buddy hows it going? when r we all gonna get some foood an catch up?
  18. hey buddy hows it going? when r we gonna get some dinner with everyone?
  19. leme finish lunch so be there in an hour is that cool?
  20. voicemail? no wqhats up
  21. well i work late monday threw friday so if you coudl grab the coupons an i can meet up, what evers easier for ya
  22. hey man i was wondering how i go about setting up an appointment for an oil change for one of those free ones i won at the track day last season? just call the shop or go on a day you work? let me know man appreciate it
  23. Dam man I now understand what u mean about boarding on fresh powder. Holy hell that was hard to get use too. Oh an snowtrails sucks assss trails were way short an just straight forward. Nothing to them ahhh.
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