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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Bad ass, what do you plan on doing with this thing, just cruising it or having fun with it or just to say you have one?
  2. whatcha bomin tonight? some cheat ass stuff ive never heard of from the liquor store here :fuckyeah:
  3. you fail at life... find another one fits your criteria
  4. http://ohiodnr.com/watercraft/registration/tabid/2774/default.aspx alot of info on how to register 1)i belive they are open on saturdays heres there link for alum creek http://ohiodnr.com/watercraft/reg/counties/delaware/tabid/2806/Default.aspx here is a full ohio state wide list http://ohiodnr.com/watercraft/FindAnAgent/tabid/2779/Default.aspx 3 16 foot - 26 is 48 $ and yes you hacw to go to to a titel shop to atleast get the boat/motor in your name but then take your information to get your "oh" boating numbers alllllll information you need is right here http://ohiodnr.com/watercraft/tabid/2062/Default.aspx is this your first boat? what did you get, pics? Welcome to CR boating, we will be having a Cr boat night once a week you should come out and meet every one, Dates will be posted shortly.
  5. ive said it once and i will say it again i fucking hate bicyclists i hope those fuckers get hit by a truck :fuuuu: hope its a east/cheap fix bud
  6. God dam runners gtfo of my way I'm trying to get to cars and coffee atleast the scenorys nice
  7. Canes off hamilton 20 minuites
  8. Yea it is haha When scott and I go out we always get seafood steaks or expensive stromboli so yea under 20 gets hard. But were good for tonight. Have fun at piada (even sounds gross)
  9. boom shaka lakaaaaa calling you
  10. its not that i dont come out...its just i dont come out with you guys and chill in a parking lot... :fuckyeah: scott and i use to have brodates all the time. jelly?
  11. crappp i need a car, and the day off
  12. you always pick the suckiest places thats why. no hard feelings you just have sucky taste in food
  13. agreed... wanna go somewhere else little guy?
  14. I'm in cse day sales. U doing day or night sales? Bump still hiring for this
  15. naa ive got a 6 inch steeleto for that :fuckyeah:
  16. Ask and you shall receive http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/IMG_20120503_170449.jpg pshh farkas aint got shit on my low rider... http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/IMG_20120503_170503.jpg
  17. We got a top of the line dyson as a engagement gift.. never thought ide even consider buying a vacuum as expensive as ours but if i had to go buy another one i would spend the money in a heart beat. hands down most amazing thing ive seen suck(well besides my fiance) :bangbang:
  18. Funny you say that. Adam bowman in hr sends me sametimes and phone calls asking me to find him people to hire that's why I posted this today for collections haha
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