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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I drive a neon... what more is there to say.... GET SUM!!!
  2. Not sure what me leaving for basic has to do with stating I made that car my bitch an put bus lenthgs on it... if you want to run that big turd of yours bring your wallet let's do this...
  3. I remember seeing this car fade fast in my rear view mirror..... Big slow p o s ... come get summ.....
  4. longer thena 1/4 of pure straight plus about 1/8th mile of shut down an a lonnnnng turn to slow down on :ninja:
  5. Dam.... talk about shitty luck, went out spent a good chunk of change on some flowers and a nice bottle of wine for the gf.. an as I leave the parking lot I get a ticket..... fml fuck valentines day an fuck the police.
  6. You haven't been here long enough to understand this... :gtfo: Thanks, Eric
  7. I know you haven't been on here in months due to you being busy but if you see this hope you have a good birthday bud. Thanks for giving such amazing service to everyone over the years.
  8. Ill play....God your car is a big pile of shit... Come race my neon... an were not waiting till the tracks open.... nut up or shut up
  9. california booyah http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/ouroldranger.jpg
  10. Won't bring enough for the neon oooooo haha you guys held a good thing last year hope this time is as good as last time. You don't know me but dam I love ur vette.
  11. me your choice of wheels sucks ass :gtfo:
  12. SRTurbo04


    No race sam got scared. An no salt no plow
  13. Here we go again :jerkit: just like earlier in the year. Roads are dry its perfect turbo weather for both of us..... If ur gonna talk about how it'll beat it no worries then just do that race me if not keep to trollin.
  14. SRTurbo04


    I thought this was rule 68??
  15. Haha wow you really are getting butthurt awww that's cute ur getting upset over someones comment about ur rims on the internet.. Oohhh nossss the internet is serious buisness... grow up ya fucking douche I think its funny that you say this seeing as I don't claim my shit don't stink?I drive a neon and a mustang nothing special. But I'm glad you came to type this, atleast we know you have some time away from the ops dick
  16. like two years ago an it got replaced in a week....
  17. yet? the cars never down.... good try as an excuse
  18. X2 that's just cruel. Its one thing to lock you in your room but come onn Also anyone curious to know why the mom had hand cuffs... kinky Pics of said mom?
  19. I think its funny that you got all butthurt about your ugly rims
  20. SRTurbo04


    please. Bring on that ditymax
  21. Chad... just buy a set of strab in boots going to be a much better setup
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