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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. x2.... nice ninja edit carwhore i quoted you when you said "you sir are an idiot"....and i have to agree maybe go back to lurking... :gtfo:
  2. god dam that video was annoying...
  3. Twords the top right of the screen there is a button that says "search" this topic seems to be covered every few days good lord!
  4. an he hasn't responded back to anyone any more. hopefully they make this right, or hope eman makes it right..
  5. any idiot should know this so they knew what could happen an did it anyways. messed up
  6. you know he didnt. this kid bitched an moaned about having to pay for a sub he ordered
  7. haha love the fact that he tried to pull the grammer/spelling card an he cant even follow his own shit. i hope eman beats the shit out of you for this but hey thats just me
  8. i dont see whats funny here? Doesnt matter if it was you him or shit even me. if a person did that to another person thats fucked up no matter who did it.
  9. just gonna go ahead an quote that for ya. i think its really fucked up that you all thought it would be funny to do the shit you did.. then get his car towed. an then post online about it as if its funny..... wow
  10. really trying to get me for spelling and grammer. real original you fat fuck so you preety much were the fault of him getting towed. an your posting online as to show this off? if i was him i would be beating you to a bloody pulp and making you pay for the tow an fees you fat fuck. don't you know to not to fuck with a mans car?
  11. ok so let me get this straight then...you put his car on the sidewalk.. and then he got towed for "other reasons " ....but if the car wasent on the sidewalk he probably wouldnt of gotten towed right?
  12. Come on down lot of ncie cars including this calloway vette that scott cordell brought out from dave gilll wooo pics don't do it justice.... http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/2010-10-09101422.jpg http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll162/04srturbo/2010-10-09101409.jpg
  13. DOM.. get in the car the cops are coming!!!!! -random F&F
  14. Can I drive ur camaro to the show that's fine see you there.
  15. do you get the drive one of the cars down there ?? what time are you rolling down ill head on over
  16. i could be wrong here but if you move the battery to the rear of the car dont you have to have a battery on/off switch on the rear bumpper if you wanna run at the track?
  17. you used to be cool... then you got an audi now your just a douche bag with a ps3
  18. No i just like to point out the obvious fails that's all. Should of kept the Audi. but to be on topic ish ... i change my vote ..black now for that abomination.
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