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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Wtf I haven't even posted in here an I'm getting made fun of Eeeh mixed opinions on it going to vzw
  2. beautiful day for boating
  3. hahahaha. ive got a boat that runs great thats ready to play that ill sell you cheap
  4. Why? Bring the rav or the ram an race my expo. Bring it red head!!
  5. No your not haha its been sold to shanton since like february. An he sold it too beotch Hmm I wonder if my 2wd expo would fit. Bahahaha
  6. 5.85for 3 plugs an 3 dollars for fogging oil soo under 10 bucks why do you ask??. Booyah!
  7. After i sunk my jet ski it picked up 3 mph on the big end... your move :bangbang: Miss u no homo hahaha
  8. Oh I know about not running over the rope been tubing an skiing off my jet ski since last year For a jetski my big ass ski throws a big ass wake so shouldn't be bad for wakeboarding. Shoot it puts out a bigger wake then my boat does :bangbang:
  9. Beotchhh where's the beater list. I need to know how much $ to hring so I can hussel these fools one race at a time :lol:


    What r u brining?

  10. Tryed cleaning the cables an then a brand new battery no good . Will go threw all the fuses but I keep reading online the same exact issue many people have had an this is the fix. Its like 30 bucks so ill try it. An hope it'll be here by the weekend so I can try my new wakeboard out.
  11. After countless hours of researching I found out the issue its a starter solnoid relay switch. About 50$ solnoid... now just gonna findone in stock so I can get it before the weekend. Hmm
  12. You make my pants tight. -no homo
  13. No I'm not selling the jet ski . But If I can fix the starting issue I'm renting it out for the july 4th weekend.
  14. Price lowered. To 2000 and ill throw in the parts to fix the trailer.
  15. alright my luck has finally run out. ive been having such good luck with my Yamaha xl1200 that the luck had to come to an end. it's been running great all season long had it out the weekend of the 5th and ran flawless. well took it out to the lake last week end and it wouldn’t start at first it would crank very very slowly for like 3 seconds then all I get is a click when I hit the start button. so I figured it was a dead or crappy battery. I tried using my jump box on it nothing. so I went out an bought a brand new battery an the same thing. anyone have any idea on where I should start. everything looks connected ughhh suckyyy!
  16. Finally.... gezz I've been having to enjoy forza 1 2 and 3 on 360..in the time frame for gt5... :bangbang:
  17. i do it every day during the week on m ylunch break best way to kill an hour :bangbang: wtf?? please you woudl be suprised how quick i can load an unload my jetski :gtfo:
  18. SRTurbo04

    contract talks

    haha that was liek 2 years ago ahhh the good old days of gettin drunk at arena every night
  19. SRTurbo04

    LSx guys

    x2 what are these mufflers things you speak of?
  20. SRTurbo04

    contract talks

    Speaking of phil he is in the right part of that pic... you can sorta see him ahaah
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