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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. I stated cr track days not some random event at marion that don't support cr
  2. Not sure if this is the right place but who can help me out on saturday . I've got an axel for a boat trailor that I need a part welded to the end of it 2.5 inch. Tall/wide (its a circle) Should take but a few minuites. Need a decent job since its part of an axel holding a boat lol Ill bring the axel off the trailor to you anyone quick easy cash? Aj ? Edit: need the old piece cut off an new one put on.
  3. You drive an integra your w33k I didn't read the article what was the # of pull ups total?
  4. Wtf I haven't even posted in this thread an I keep getting brought up fuck u both.. Mike.. hate to say it but steve has came out to more meets then most of the people on this board. Shoot vie raced him a good 30+ times Also steve comes to cr track days(which u don't) an races at them(again u don't) Not hating just stating even know steve is one big ass homo teddy bear On topic umm this dude with the bat mobile sounds like a douche that is all
  5. A person who wants to mod a pt cruiser and put a body kit on it...
  6. i was wondering what happen there lol was smileys vette on spray that run?
  7. Where r the keys at? No on the boat trailer...been lazy an broke gotta find the part online eeeh I had a red eye flight that got delayed was good drinks too mmm
  8. Soo anymore info on the truck.. ie motor trannymade any passes?
  9. Any more info on the truck other then the homo flames lol Big meets out the back... does it have the power to back em up?
  10. also if that dumb ass girl would of just enjoyed those nuts instead of running to daddy then her dad wouldnt befacing prison time . bet u she feels like shit...when in doubt enjoy dezzzzz nuts::disclaimer im an asshole an im joking but really shes fucked::
  11. If u think first impressions ae just that first.... then why do you continue to make useless threads filling up with with this crapola?
  12. I told the mods to ban him months ago... no one ever listens An since when do new vetts get 15mpg? Don't the 6 speeds get high 20s (I know of a few c5z06 stock getting almost 30)
  13. Also the water levels raised one and a half feet over the weekend across the lake... yea doubtfull
  14. As always step infront of a cota bus you piece of shit Rhett stfu I figured they were able to control it at the dam..(if its even a functioning dam?)
  15. Hope the father gets jail time Mother fucking psycho The kid sent pics of his balls as a joke to multle people(so wassent singling out his daughter)
  16. At thealum creek on my lunch break to do a little lauching watching an notice the water levels really high... as in the walkways between each launch ramp the waters over. Those an on the walkway going to the docks its over flowing onto the the sidewalks ... Never seen it that high,mabey from all the rain? An dammit I wanna take my boat out!
  17. Smile buddy. Would it make u feel better if we spooned? Ill let u be the big spoon this time...
  18. X2 Thanks for the invite sean an ginger asshats hahah
  19. bahahaha I remember my first beer.... Soo what's the back story on alex having different pants on in a different part of the house?
  20. Try gllogling bmv I'm sure u can find ur info about collector plates on a contour if that's the case I'm getting collector polates for my 97 expedition its # 672 ever built. Its super rare yah.... Its a contour.... I've got a huffy that would be good competition for his contour...
  21. How so? I'm not getting collector plates... An u said it there I drive a FAST neon mine is at least fast and a pos Urs is just a slow pos econo cheap box.
  22. pics look good. but come on steve... glasses, shorts, tenis shoes all while doing a wheelie..
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