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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. Awesome that someone got that. Lol I vote a thread for a caption contest this pic Ooooo so smooth. Sorry just picking up my change I dropped How low... how low can u go Ok these are lame I fail but awesome pic
  2. I guess ill be the guy to ask the wife question... are you alright? Looks like a straightforward easy crash but crashing a bike something simple can always go bad. Hope all is well I'm sure ull have the bike fixed an running soon if u haven't already. Cool video though lol
  3. i kept hearing about this car all weekend!
  4. i think this is his f150 that he used to have in his sig
  5. so how did the boat do? i was out there for an hour and a half or so, water was too cold to splash around on still so i called it a day earlie blah(i need to pick up another jet ski asap its boring being a solo jet skier)
  6. i call bs on the #'s son
  7. Scott an I are in be there in a few
  8. I wonder if he did a barrel roll? too early?
  9. There u go implying things again fucktard. Did I state that YOU removed me? No


    An my opinion on what is or isant necessary inregards to your comment is just that an my opinion so again fuck off an die on the car ride to sonic

  10. I don't belive I ever implied that this event would be based off of what I wanted so I could give a shit less if the event went on with ot with out me.


    I showed interest in the thread as others were wanting other places. When it was decided that it was sonic I said I'm out simple as that. Anthony then wanted more detail so I answered him so there for being removed from there was un necessary an ur comment was un necessary so respectfully eat shit an walk in front of a bus.

  11. Sonic food, sonic meet, people. Pass on meeting at sonic so count me out of that shit hole
  12. Ok so since I have owned my jet ski trailor since last year the lights never worked right. At first I thought it was my expediton but I got a uhaul an it worked 100% correect an true. When the lights r connected to the jet ski trailor only the right sidebrake light running light works. No turn signal no brake lights not even the yellow running lights down the trailor. Now where would I start diagnosing the issue at? Also can this be done with out a test meter of sorts? Or do I need one? I figure I should get this done since I do night driving leaving the lake.
  13. I will be at the marina launch at 1pm on the jet ski ahh gonna be nice
  14. Meh rode the bike today don't u have a mini van to be shopping for
  15. SRTurbo04

    CR App

    Scratch my balls, or do my taxes :orly: And at CRAPP hhaha
  16. Needs less nerd... All that crap up there was hieroglyphics(sp)
  17. SRTurbo04

    CR App

    That's it? Soo it would be the same thing if ur browser was default to cr then, right?
  18. Its a video. Game
  19. Columbus racing does not condone illegal street racing Try to say oh I heard about this race down in mexico
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