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Everything posted by SRTurbo04

  1. That thing is dead sexy I've been serious looking to sell my bike an get one of these ahhh Well a more storck one that thing is probably prricy1
  2. I belive he's trying to say ir shits over priced
  3. my first street bike was my yzf600r an my vstar but i grew up riding dirtbikes an quads that had WAYYYYYY more power then my current bikes so these are kinda boring me right now but x3 on taking the motorcycle course tis liek 25 bucks an they give u a bike to ride they teach u everything u nee to know an if u pass u can get ur license.
  4. I didn't watch the video but phil did a. Redline 3rd gear down into 2nd in my srt4. Blew up the clutch. I'm talking all the metels discs pads all blew up an fell out hahaha ahhh assholes
  5. SRTurbo04


    U ever been in a quale?I am odd I enjoy them they are so weird feeling lol
  6. Cool thanks. Won't be able to get pics till this weekend.
  7. It is they put the cones over the painted lines....
  8. Really? Odd Well it was painted on the ground so I'm sure its still there in the parkinglot. Or I think the harley dealer up off 37 has them painted(I heard I can't confirm)
  9. Bump someone needs a. Cheap mower for spring
  10. Go to alum creek bmv they have the course set up in the parking lot its easy. The hardest part was the slolom which wasent hard at all . An will be cake on the sv The other odd one is u have to make a 90' left turn in this box. Again it'll be fine in ur sv. Go there an practice.
  11. How late do u tho u think this woll go on? I am not off till 9 I fail
  12. Just buy another car her cars a old ass grandam why spent 1000 yo 1500 on a car thats not even worth that?take it to the junk yard get a few hundred bucks out of it an get something else.
  13. I got 20$ on aj around an autox course or a road course... Aj doesn't drag race.... never will... that goes more to street racing. Suckyness u got banned.
  14. SRTurbo04


    Ir penis is 4 feet long? Now that's just awkward...... to each ur own I suppose ha U sneeky bastard.
  15. Don't temp me ill get someone to fdix the pos tonight an go race u Gonna look at the fuses tomorrow an go from there.
  16. x2 but hey why not its facebook anythign can happen just like the first 4000 people to click this link on facebook gets a free ipod...
  17. u have no idea how temping it is no worrie sthanks man damm! i jsut went an got one lol
  18. If u get a second. Can u look on ur system to tell me whichj one it is. No room where it was at. Got a trailor an towing it back home
  19. Tryed that. Cleaned off the terminals(scrapped them up for a close conection)
  20. Driving the srt4 down main street cruising an the car just shuts off no click no bang nothing just shuts off Go to start it an nothhing no crankiong no clicking just nothing. The lights don't dim or turn off when turning the key. No clicking(at first thought bad. Battery) but no its good cleaned off the terminals tightened them. I even tryed jumping nope Nothing happens when u turn the key no sounds at all Any ideas?
  21. i eat the "deli" lunchables that they have out now there good lol
  22. Happy Birthday brian carter ya old man!!! have a good one!!
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