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Posts posted by VMX12C

  1. If a burglar knows that you are home, he won't break into your house. If he thinks everyone is gone, he'll try.

    Same with speeding. If you see a cop sitting on the side of the road, you slow down. Then once he's out of site, you speed up to whatever you want. The threat of having a cop sitting in a location that you aren't prepared for is a deterrent to speeding. If all of a sudden Barney is right behind you with his happy little lights on, it's too late.

    I don't say that it's right to hide the cruiser behind bushes or signs or such, but sitting along side the road with my lights off, having reflective markings all over the car is not hiding.

    You people need to grow up. If you don't want tickets....follow the law. Don't do so and risk making your insurance go up, money being taken from your wallet that you could buy some nice new trinket for you bike with or possibly losing your license.

    Everybody hates cops until they need one. Talk about a thankless job. Well thank you all for opening my eyes to what bikers REALLY think about us boys in blue. It'll be remembered next time I have to deal with a SQUID rolling down the road at 50 in a 25.

    To all my brothers in blue in here, Stay Safe and good luck with this crowd. I'm out. I've got better things to do than to listen to drivel from young punk kids who don't have any respect for themselves, let alone the law.

    And don't deny it, if you had respect for yourselves, you'd drive that machine in a safe manner, following the law. I got one of you asses negative rep me with "I did 170 on 270 yesterday". I really don't care. You know what we call people like that in this business? Organ donors. Just make sure that you have positive ID on your body so we can notify next of kin.

    What you put out there comes back at you. No wonder so many of you have difficulties with law enforcement. You act like an ass, then it's the cops fault for you getting pulled over. Bullshit. Your act is the reason you got pulled over.....not the cop being a dick.

    Well enjoy. You can talk about me now. Mods, please deactivate this account.....I won't be using it any more.

    Oh, and by the way, while I tried to be polite and answer questions honestly here, I can see that you don't want honesty. You want someone to take out your rage on.

    I'm not the one. You in your infinite wisdom have shown me the light. I will no longer be lenient with bikers.....because I can see that you stereotype all of us anyway. Remember your words the next time you get pulled over.....and it will happen. Remember them, and think to yourself.....is that VMX. You'll never know. I hear that towing a bike is kind of cool to watch. Hope your plastics makes it.

  2. Couldn't let it slide huh? Way to go, you are now on his level.

    Nope, he drew first blood. He hates cops. Wants me to leave the site just because of that. F him.

    Don't attack me and tell me that you hate me, then expect me to be all peaches-n-cream.

    I still have much farther down to go in order to reach his level. He looks up at pond scum.

    For any of you other cop haters.......I could be the very next cop that you meet. Think about that a little.

    And for Max.....I changed my sig, is that better? It's meant to be funny.

  3. Sorry didnt know you needed some kind of seniority to post on here... I'll calm down I aplogize to everyone if I've offended any of you. It just really bugs me when I hear a cop act like their above the law. :violin:

    Oh, that's okay Jack. We know that you get lonely being stuck in home detention. Better watch out though, words like you posted before might make it to your parole office. They then have to take away your Television, Telephone and internet. Wouldn't want that now would we. Must get awfully lonely being stuck at home all day wishing you could go to the school park.

    Make sure you hide all that kiddy porn on your PC before your PO's next visit.

  4. Yes it is actually legal in Ohio for a female to walk around topless - when it becomes illegal is if it is creating a disturbance - i guess the line could be a thin one and left for officer discretion - - - anyways :tits:

    I for one will NEVER arrest for this. Women fought long and hard to get the right to walk around topless. I even voted for it. Now, you don't see any women walking around topless.

    We were robbed.

  5. I would like to see more tickets given to LEFT LANE BANDITS and fat soccer moms on cell phones who think its stylish to drive 10 mph BELOW the limit.

    I know I'm not the only one who thinks Ohio should have a hands free only cell phone law- I swear people on the phone are worse than the drunks.

    R1L, I agree wholeheartedly. This will be the third time such a law has been before Ohio's Senate. Hopefully it will pass this time. Problem is, Our elected officials are some of the worst offenders of this.

  6. I think the Newb with 8 post better calm down before something bad happens...

    Oh and I have a question, I haven't read all the post in this thread so I hope it's not a re-post... What is the consequence for getting caught on the highway with just your temps?

    Ditto what DB said.

    Technically it is driving without a license. I don't normally pop a biker for that. I'll tell them that I'm going to give them a warning, but it isn't legal for them to drive away.....but I have an errand at the other side of town.....How they get the bike out of there is completely up to them. I warn them that if they drive away and get caught down the road, I'll say that I told them not to drive. Most people understand what I'm telling them and take off after I go down the road.

    I did have one guy in a car stay for an hour one time. Guess he was trying to do the right thing. He finally did catch on and boogied on down the road.

    Some hints when dealing with law enforcement:

    1. Be respectful at all times. The minute you show your ass is the minute the ticket is a guarantee. 9 times out of 10 if you're straight with me, polite and show respect you'll get a warning. That 1 time out of 10 is the guy who thought it'd be okay to talk about donuts, lie their ass off or become a prick. I've done this a long time. Don't lie, we know.

    2. You may be cited even if you are respectful. Don't get upset about it. Some violations, once aired, become an obligation on the officer. For example, you get caught speeding and you have a suspension on your license. The officer cannot give you a warning at that time. He'd get in trouble for negligence of duty. Not all cops will give warnings. Some departments require cites rather than warnings. Know where you are. There are a lot of little New Rome's out there.

    3. Have all your information on you. Don't leave home without your License and your proof of insurance. This causes more paperwork for the officer and makes the likelyhood of you getting cited more apt.

    4. Make sure that all your stuff works. Don't give the cop a "give-me" like license plate lights or headlights out. Make sure you have your registration sticker on the plate and that it is properly applied.

    5. The attitude that you put out there will be returned in kind. There are some cops with the holier than thou attitude. But there are also some TV repairmen with an attitude, Carpet cleaning workers with an attitude......every job has it's asshats. Law Enforcement is no different. These kinds of cops normally don't make it very long.

    6. Know the speed limit in the area you're driving in. There are signs posted all along the road. If you miss the sign, that won't be a reason to get out of the cite. If you're stopped, confess that you didn't see the sign and apologize. That will make the cop not such a prick. You may still get a cite for it, but he won't be on the lookout for other things to tag you with. If you lie or cop an attitude, he will.

  7. Your a just another complete douchbag cop who thinks he's out their saving the world one ticket at a time! Tell me you have never gone over the speed limit!?!? Do us all a favor, get off the site and go hang out with Simone! :bigfinger:

    Hey thanks for the compliment Jack. I bet you make your mother so proud. No, I won't leave the site because you say to. Bite down hard on the appendage of your choice.

    You're just mad because you can't be a cop with the record that you have. I'm not the one who said to screw that 10 year old. It's all you.

    Bye now, hope your next encounter with the law isn't so time consuming for you.

  8. Bro, if that's the case cool. No matter where this thread goes I'll drink a beer with ya, but by the general tone here I wouldn't expect any sort of sympathy. Not the person I would go to. Just my impression, and I understand things get charged in here pretty quick so you're on the defensive. However, I get the feeling you're not even reading the posts.

    We as the citizens have how much control over how these things are handled? Not much, and as you can see we're pretty pissed about that.

    That's why I told Max "Love you too".

    I don't take offense at where the conversation goes, just when I get attacked. I still like all of you......except maybe Nick.......Nah Nick's okay too.....LOL

  9. I thought it could be classified as obstruction of justice or some shit like that. Is that an absolute no or a "no, but it might depend on the cop and judge", whose had a bagel and who didn't get any last night

    While I know that many cops get upset by this behavior, it is not illegal. A prick cop "could" try to make the obstruction charge, but it'd be kicked by most judges that I'd been before.

    So what, I miss a speeder because they got warned that I was there. At least they slowed down. That's my whole purpose anyway. If I don't have to interact with them and they modified their mis-behavior so much the better.

    Personally I don't have a problem with it. Other cops may. But they'd have to "stretch" a law to get you for it. More likely they'd follow you and find something else that is an infraction to get you for. Either way, if you get a cite for this the cop is a prick.

    At my department, I'd seriously frown on one of my officers writing a cite for this. There are many more serious infractions that they should be dealing with. I also frown on front license plate and rear license plate light cites. They are okay to use for a PC stop, but not okay to write a cite for. If used for PC, you can normally find a much larger infraction such as Driving while suspended or DUI. These are stuff that I would cite for.

    Happy motoring.

  10. Made it easy since you seem to like skimming things quickly :p

    Again, refer back to my other post. This is in regard to going through RED Fricken Lights!!!! Not sitting on the side of the road running radar. Have you EVER seen a cop sitting on the side of the road with his beacons on running radar? NO. If what you are trying to prove was true, then we'd have to drive around ALL DAY with our overheads on. What kind of havok would that cause?

    Not gonna argue it any more because you internet lawyers know so much. Enjoy.

  11. Hey Max. Are you proud of your job?

    I am proud of the fact that I pin on a badge and don a uniform to go out an protect the citizens from the anarchy that would rule if cops weren't there.

    I trained hard to do this job. I train even harder to stay in this job.

    I don't really care if others on the board are proud of their badges or not. If they want to hide in the shadows, so be it.

    No, I don't see others pointing to their jobs in their sigs. The sig was meant to be funny. To show that I have a sense of humor. If it offends you, sorry.

    I chime in on cop related threads when people ask questions. If I know the answer, I do. Then get nailed to a cross for it.

    Well piss on it. I'd figure most of the people on here......being sport bikers.....would want to have a friend who is a cop who could be a sounding board for issue that came up. Well, I was wrong. Forget it. Take your chances.

  12. quoted for effect

    Justin thanks for chiming in. You can actually read the "Driving" part there that you highlighted. It's in reference to going through red lights. That's where the Due Regard comes in. Emergency vehicles can go through red lights with Due Regard. That means, lights, sirens, and slowing down or stopping to make sure other drivers see you. Has nothing to do with sitting off the side of the road with your lights off to catch a speeder.

  13. Okay I thought about the above post and thats really mean. What I should have said is:

    Your post comes off with the "I'll give you a ticket because I can" mentality. That type of things is what we're all complaining about. The ticket has nothing to do with being safe or protecting us and those around us.

    No, if you read my other posts, you'd see that I normally give warnings to fellow bikers. I was responding in kind to the attitude of Shitty. That was in my post as well. Yes, peeing in my cheerios was a little harsh. I try to give honest answers to questions, then get flak for just being a cop. I have a great attitude when on duty and give far more warnings for stupidity than giving tickets for it. If you get a ticket from me....you talked yourself into it.

    I can't speak for all cops, but for any that I have trained the first rule that I give them is this:

    "Be nice until there is a time not to be nice. When that time comes do your duty"

    You'd never see me giving a ticket for doing the red light thing at 3 am unless I had other PC on you as well. 3 AM just happens to be the witching hour when drunks are on the road. If you stop at the light and wait, then proceed with caution, I won't hassle you. If you blow the light without even braking, you're getting stopped to check for DUI.

    The problem with internet forums is that tone of voice and facial expression don't come through. Only the words. I do not have the "You'll get a ticket because I can give you one" attitude. I prefer to give people learning experience rather than punishment. But if you show attitude to me on the stop because you don't like cops or get crappy with me because you don't think the law is fair....you can speak with the judge about it instead. He may be inclined to let you go. At that point, I'm not.

    Again, bottom line: If you don't want to deal with cops, don't violate the law. You'll never meet me in a cruiser if you follow the law, whether you think it a valid law or not, the voters thought so and passed it.

  14. What? Show me a recent study that says anything of the sort.

    Here's one that didn't:


    I normally don't get my facts from a liberal newspaper.

    Facts for the year 2007 from the Ohio Department of Transportation: (These are the latest ones published. I will update this when the 2008 and 2009 FACTS are published.)

    Motorist in Error Fatal % of Total Fatals Injury Property Damage Total

    Unsafe Speed 165 14.2 % 5,262 8,756 14,392

    In 2007 Failure to control actually superceeded Unsafe Speed at 15.8 % which is 20 more crashes.

    Speeding usually causes Failure to Control as a precipitating event.

    You are welcome to check the statistic for yourself. These are ONLY fatality crashes.....not ALL crashes. Even at that 14 thousand crashes due to excessive speed is a very large number.

  15. Q: What's the purpose of the law?

    A: To protect the public.

    If the law being broken is NOT in place to protect the public, then it should be irrelevant.

    I get the argument all the time "the law is the law because it's the law"

    NO...the law is in place to protect the public...

    and I don't blame it ALL on police officers, it's just their job to enforce the law, but they do have the initial authority and discretion of whether a law needs to be enforced at a particular time or in a particular situation.

    for example, it's against the law to ride lawnmower on your own property if you've been drinking..but honestly, what cop is going to persue that? Who is in danger? probably NOBODY...

    I just wish police officers would worry less about quotas (whether implied or quantified) and more about honestly protecting the public.

    Most laws are in place for the reason of protecting the public. You argue that speeding laws do not protect the public? Most traffic crashes are due to excessive speed of the offender. The person who was struck by the speeding offender through no fault of their own now has a financial burden placed upon them.....if not actual injury. This is no harm? That is why speed limit laws are in place....not as you obviously believe to generate revenue. Quotas are a fabrication of the liberal media. They do not exist. It is illegal to have a quota. Now productivity on the other hand is different. If I have an officer out for 8 hours and he doesn't pull over anyone for speeding....or other offenses, he's plain not doing his job. It's not a quota, but at some point neglect of duty will become an issue.

    If you don't want a ticket, slow down. Simple as that.


  16. So I guess we can expect to see you sitting there with your lights on in the future? If not can you at least make sure that your vehicle is not on pavement?

    ORC 4513.10 Lights on parked vehicles.

    (A) Except in case of an emergency, whenever a vehicle is parked or stopped upon a roadway open to traffic or a shoulder adjacent thereto, whether attended or unattended, during the times mentioned in section 4513.03 of the Revised Code, such vehicle shall be equipped with one or more lights which shall exhibit a white or amber light on the roadway side visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the front of such vehicle, and a red light visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear. No lights need be displayed upon any such vehicle when it is stopped or parked within a municipal corporation where there is sufficient light to reveal any person or substantial object within a distance of five hundred feet upon such highway. Any lighted headlights upon a parked vehicle shall be depressed or dimmed.

    (B) Whoever violates this section shall be punished as provided in section 4513.99 of the Revised Code.

    Effective Date: 01-01-2004


    At least you checked into the law. You're mistaken, but it showed initiative. According to state law, emergency vehicles fall under a different definition than "Motor vehicles" and are exempt from most traffic laws. To answer your question in the same tone as it was asked. Yes, you will see my vehicle parked along side the road with it's lights out. Yes, I am pulled off of the pavement......I have a great spot designed just for this. Yes, if you speed through town at mach three you will be pulled over. Yes, you can fight the ticket.....but be prepared to shell out some extra cash for court costs. I've only ever lost one ticket and that was due to the violator being close friends with the judge. The judge even admitted it to me. Crappy but there.

    Spin the wheel and take your chances. Good luck in court.

  17. There are alot of unmarked cruisers in ohio. they have to have a marked patrol actually pull you over, and they can join at the scene..

    ORC 4549.13 Marking and equipment for motor vehicle used by traffic enforcement officers.

    Any motor vehicle used by a member of the state highway patrol or by any other peace officer, while said officer is on duty for the exclusive or main purpose of enforcing the motor vehicle or traffic laws of this state, provided the offense is punishable as a misdemeanor, shall be marked in some distinctive manner or color and shall be equipped with, but need not necessarily have in operation at all times, at least one flashing, oscillating, or rotating colored light mounted outside on top of the vehicle. The superintendent of the state highway patrol shall specify what constitutes such a distinctive marking or color for the state highway patrol.

    The problem with this law is that I don't know any department's other than OSP who have cruisers dedicated to ONLY enforcing traffic laws. Our cruisers are on duty for various functions. Traffic enforcement being only one of them.

  18. VMAX - What is FTO?:confused:

    Hey Nick.

    An FTO is a Field Training Officer. We take additional Training in order to complete the training of basic recruits from the police academy. I have taught many new officers in my time. I am currently the Patrol Division Supervisor (Senior Sergeant) at my PD. I am also trained in QRST (Quick Response Special Tactics, which you could equate to SWAT or SRT)

    While I agree that it's not "fair" to not use lights. I don't advertise myself to burglars when they are breaking into your house, or robbers who are holding up the local stop and rob until I'm ready to bust them either.....isn't that unfair to the bad guy who's breaking the law too?

    Bottom line: Don't speed if you don't want a ticket. Speed anyway, don't bitch if you get one. The cop didn't make your tach go up....you did.

  19. R1_MP. Would you please show me the ORC section that states this? I've been an officer in Ohio for the past 15 years. This would be a new one for me. As I am also the FTO at my department, having taken additional training to teach new officers, I would be interested in where you heard that this was law?

    It may be YOUR department's policy, but it's not law. I've been at departments that require lights on, but have not in 15 years been shown a law that states this. My current department does not require lights on. I figure that if we were violating law the court magistrate would have corrected it by now. Hundreds if not thousands of cites have been written to date with no sign of indiscretion. And yes, it has been brought up in court on more than one occasion. They ended up paying the fine and court costs.

  20. Actually, there is no law requiring a police officer to have his lights on when doing traffic interdiction. It is a common misconception that the police have to have their lights on. It was started many years ago.....just like cops and donuts or you can't be in bare feet while driving. Our officers routinely do stationary patrol with the lights off. It happens quite a bit more than you realize. If you are obeying the speed limits then there should be no problem.

    We are not permitted to conceal the cruiser, but we do not have to have on running lights or headlights.

    Wheezle, It actually isn't considered entrapment. Entrapment would be if an officer enticed you into speeding then busted you for it.

    Ohio law is currently being ve-vamped to permit "No-show" police cruisers like some of the other states. When this is done.....and it looks like it will pass.....be careful. Any car you pass could be a cruiser.

    I normally give other bikers a break unless they are doing some serious speeding. At night and high speeds is extremely dangerous. This will normally get a cite from me. I prefer to impart some wisdom rather than paper.

    Ride safe!!

  21. WOOOHOOOO!!!!

    This is only about a half mile from my house!!! I was driving by today and I saw the banner on the front of the building. Thursdays aren't normally good for me, but if you are all still there at about 10:30, I could stop by on the way home.

    Look for my VMAX!!

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