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Everything posted by tanner

  1. tanner

    april 25&26

    anyone on the east side (mentor area) doing any riding this weekend?
  2. I thought my lowly 5x8 was hot shit. Now i just feel empty inside.
  3. I was hoping I just wasn't finding the right roads... dammit. I don't think I'm hardcore enough to ride to michigan, ride for the day and ride back. I have a 5x8 enclosed too with some chocks that would make a little more comfortable trip up north and back. I'd really like to do some track days but I need a one-piece and to safety wire the bike still. I'm out of town a lot but as soon as the weather breaks lets put some miles on.
  4. Morning fellas... I found ohioriders on google and figured I would join in the fun since I ride solo 99% of the time here. I'm about a half hour east of downtown cle and would be more than happy to meet up for some twisties rides. I'm embarrased by the chicken strips that are making their way to my tires. InYaAzz, I used to ride with DSB back in '06, but I can't remember if I met you or not. Anyway, just thought I would introduce myself and I'll be checking the boards pretty often.
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