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Posts posted by sbk_chick

  1. your right thats where they came from but until he bought them I never seen anything like it on a street bike any where in Ohio. or at least near my neck of the woods!

    :lol: I don't think anyone was really meaning to be a smartass. Those colors just aren't THAT unusual. You can even get those plastics from Auctmarts.


  2. alright smart ass when i asked can you guess I ment it really to be a question of "have you ever seen a bike like this?" I know it was obvious that its a honda but didnt know if people would think it was a special replica made by honda or something like that!

  3. thats not what i said Ninjanick!! the conversation started simply as a does NE one have a 250 also! I was asking to see what everyone else thought of there 250!

    as for the whole 1000 conversation i was just saying in my opinion that the most guys that i know that ride around here, thats its just a thing to get your attention. they ride around here like they are fast, reving there bike at ever stop, yet none of them could hit a track or do some twistie rides with out hiting the first corner and still end up going straight. yeah i know i cant say much right i am just a new rider my self and i would be just like them except i ride because its cheaper on gas and because i love the free feeling of not being trapped in a cage!

    the guys in my area they all have chicken strips and most are all squids. I know there are people out there who can ride a 1000 the way its made for but like i said not around here!

    I was not trying to start shit with you people that have 1000, i was trying to voice my opinion on the squids that use there 1000 for picking up girls and looking cool!!

    OH YEAH P.S. never said i was good looking. but i did say that i thought the ZX14 are ugly maybe its just me but after watching "superbikes" one 2many times they are all ugly to me now! but hey 2 wheels are 2 wheels!!

  4. For some odd reason she thinks anyone on a fast bike is posing and has it for bragging rights. It was in another thread. I laughed too man. :lol: Obviously she's never ridden with us. :dunno: I use every ounce of power I can get out of my 14 and corner hard with it. Her husband might just be afraid of powerful bikes and burnt that way of thinking into her head. Oh well, some people will never know fusion. It's best they stay off the fast bikes anyways.:cool:

    But I recommend the 250,500,600 for all beginners. They're good purchases.

    first of all I bet my husband has been riding longer then you!! plus he has done several track days and races and we still had the extra money he would still be doing it, also he has had several 1000s and felt no need for all those cc when more fun to push his 650 to its limits then to take a inline 4 1000 out on the twisties! but not that i have to justify my opinion! CUZ thats all it was this is a free speach website right!

  5. So how are you liking that 250r? I am low on funds but want a new bike, I think the 250r might fit the bill but I'm wondering if it might be a bit small?


    I really like it! like i said before i rode an sv650 before and now i dont think i would go back!! since my husbands sv has clip ons the ride position on the ninja is great for me! my husband had taped-out at 102 but i have not had the chance to get it that far! other wise for the price its a great bike!! handling is great, turns awsome, and from what my husband says its fun to push your self on it(beat it up basiclly) since its only a 250 unlike having a 1000 and just cruising so to say!!

  6. i am looking to find a used pipe for my 08 ninja 250r i dont really have to money to spend on a new one right now but would like to see how it will sound untill i get one!! so basicly i am just looking for someones old pipe they have sitting around that would fit my bike!! please let me know!!

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