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Status Updates posted by SchmuckGirl

  1. So I'm interested to know about your flooring expertise. Some, ok most, of the houses I look at need the carpets ripped out but I have no idea how hard or expensive it is to replace or even what my replacement options are......so can I pick your brain?

  2. So where are you shopping for a mountain bike? My Trek was stolen last summer....it made me sad. Where will you go ride once you have a bike?

  3. Some times I forget how f'ing funny you are:

    schmuckingham, "pick up the pace, because all this site has been is bitching and a large group of tards trainwrecking threads into sheep fucking and taint rubs. Honestly every thread goes to the same place."

  4. Soooo, what do you think of my new avatar??!! hahaha, I can't get it to work!

  5. Sorry, I just realized I never responded to you. Work on the house definitely slowed down after we moved in. It's going to be hard to stay motivated! Chris will be building an entertainment center for us. I'm pretty excited about it!

  6. Still planning on coming out to UA pub tonight?!

  7. Sure, I'll keep my eyes and ears open for you. As of now, they are saying no new hires, no promotions, no raises into 2010. I don't see how they can predict that far into the future, I suspect they are just preparing us for the worst....

  8. Sweet! here's hoping for a sunny day. I'm excited that you don't have to work! Mike changed my name, lol..... and yes, his bike is gone :(

  9. Thanks Ben! I appreciate the fact that you stopped by and I really appreciate the fact that you left your lovely wife to socialize :D I think the house is more cozy than anything and there is room for potential improvement so we like it. By the way, I have a fantastic fire going in the den right now so I figure I should rub it in

  10. Thanks for coming!! Especially since it was kind of a hassle for ya. Hopefully you can stay longer next time!

  11. Thanks! You shoulda seen this old guy's (who let us borrow the motorcycle) garage. He had 7 restored bikes (including a sweet Triumph) plus a 400hp cobra kit car. He was pretty badass for an old dude!

  12. Thanks! It was a good day....

  13. Thanks!! I think 28 is going to be a good age :)

    btw - I'd really like to get back to Dayton to ride with you folks again this season. I never made it down to you last year, bummer

  14. Thanks. I come back to it every now and then....

  15. That sounds great. Maybe the 2nd, 3rd or last weekend in May...

  16. That's awesome! You two are so sweet :) Don't you just love riding with your significant other?!

  17. That's pretty sweet! I have a hard time finding a stylist that I can stick with. I don't know if I don't communicate my wishes very well or if my hair is difficult to work with. I often end up trying to trim or cut it myself and then I get chastised when I go back to my stylist :)

  18. That's what she said! That's alot. I've been doing Muscle Madness on Wedn nights and spinning class when I can. As tough as bootcamp was last night, I should probably do that one more often....

  19. Too funny, I'm probably exactly the opposite. I like to go outside with the shotgun. It was way too cold that day, though, and my aim suffered from it. Being inside, in that busy range made me nervous. I had mike's 40 but it just wasn't working for me. I think I need to get more comfortable with a handgun that has less kick.

  20. Ugh, i have a kickball game. The last one, finally, it seems like this season has been dragging on forever. I might try to stop by afterwards. Thanks for thinking of us

  21. Well it suits you. Probably good for riding too, I know my short hair is!

  22. Well, good thing you came over and said hi! You should come to more events and group rides... riding alone just isn't as fun.

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