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Posts posted by KaJuN

  1. Even if they were being really obnoxious wouldn't it have been enough just to escort them out of the building? Now they're wasting police time and taxpayer money on this nonsense.

    On a similar note, why does it seem like everything to do with high schools are getting more and more strict? My freshman year was great and I had a lot of fun. But after that we got a new principal who was severely anti-fun and the rest of my high school career was miserable. And now harmless pranks are leading to kids getting arrested.

  2. What I do with my gear depends on where it is I'm going. For a quick trip to the store I lock the helmet to the bike and leave my gloves and glasses in the bag. Walmart sells a cable gun lock that works brilliantly as a helmet lock. The jacket stays on because it looks cool. If I'm going to be indoors for a while (i.e. sitting in classes all day or hanging with friends) I'll bring my helmet with me. I don't like the idea of it baking in the sun all day long.

  3. Hello everyone! I'm new around here and I've been riding for a year. I got my 1980 Yamaha XJ650 (it's six years older than I am :cool:) in July 2006 after it had sat unused in a garage for three years. I was able to get it running well enough for last season but it really wasn't all that good. After much tinkering, knuckle-scraping, swearing, and throwing tools I'm finally happy with how it's running. The best part is I think I can actually keep up with things that aren't mopeds so I'm hoping to get in on some group riding action.

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