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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. please tell me that wasnt the dayton air show?? i hope i havent missed it
  2. ninjachk08


    bout time you post dan!! we'll go ride sometime again.
  3. oh... i didnt see that. im a lil gullable at times.. hehe
  4. did he have his wallet on him??
  5. i promise.. ill come to the next ride you coshocton people have!.. but you better be there too!
  6. ninjachk08

    Ride 7/27

    lol, no.. i have a wedding to go to the day before.. but family pics on sun in early afternoon
  7. sorry guys, just remembered i wont be able to make it. have fun!!
  8. you did not just use the word pimping?!
  9. ninjachk08

    Ride 7/27

    oh, i just remembered.. i wont be able to make it out to this ride sorry.have fun!
  10. wow.. thats kool. just kawi's tho??
  11. whats the jumper mod?? i asked dustin awhile back and he didnt even know.lol
  12. ninjachk08

    Ride 7/27

    yup.. every sunday morning 10-10.15. gas station on 35 next to langs
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