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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. qft.. that's why someone is on there pretending to be me,but using my maiden name.
  2. i'll ride the cbr for ya.. you know, just to keep it in good shape
  3. DITTO!! :lol: i haven't had even one drink in awhile i might be in for it! I'LL BE THERE!
  4. or not have a bike to ride the hell out of.
  5. the forum is enough for me..so i deleted my facebook.
  6. wow.. i didn't you was planning on doing this! looks good!
  7. i feel stupid now for watching that...
  8. wow.. pretty sweet to watch the vrod. that turbo'ed vrod at the mng, was a NOICE bike! wow.. like stupid wow, at the other two videos. lol
  9. you gonna be coming out tomorrow night?

  10. OR 3yr Ann. Scavenger Hunt Ride.
  11. interesting game! hope this gets going
  12. neg rep?! lol you suck.. but i fixed it for ya ;)

  13. lol looks like your not the only one demanding it back!

  14. damnit! i told you NOT to mention that! oh well.. if they missed it.. it was amazing!
  15. not quite what i was talking about, but we'll just leave it at that!
  16. ninjachk08


    ok jrmiii, you got me. i meant for riders!
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