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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. hey, gonna see ya thurs?

  2. has this started yet? has anyone been going, or plan on going as a group?
  3. lol maybe? well, i wont be able to make a ride with you guys this year..unless someone lets me ride bitch! haha. hey, if you have an event that don't involve riding, let me know, i'll be there!

    lol i like to change my hair, i get bored.

  4. i wanna be a part of the dtc forum :p:D

  5. haven't heard of the new "law" and dont care about the current law..lol. i've gone 4 years with 20% all around and no ticket!
  6. yea, i was out of town for the weekend..and then i ended up moving....

    and my mom dont have internet... :( ...

  7. awesome! i will def. take you up on that greg! i did get an apartment book while i was there last week, and have gone through it page for page!(it's thick!) so i'll have some more questions for everyone when i get to it.
  8. nothing really.. you?

  9. lol yea.. need to be walking out the door now. see ya there!

  10. NOOO way! lol water for me tonight!
  11. hey, i cage it! just means i can drink
  12. mm marion's!! be safe boys!
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