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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. haha.. awesome!! we stayed in and unpacked.. until we decided to get taco bell and go get groceries. and fill my car up since it was on E
  2. ..ok, can anyone tell me what a fighter bike is??... lol
  3. YOU DICKS!! HAHA. that was awesome.. and braces does suck! haha (damnit! i need them again )
  4. shoot.. i'll still be around silly!! sorry you cant get rid of me that easy!! haha
  5. hey guys, guess what.. i've moved.lol we're in Miamisburg now. woo hoo, outta the ghetto.. haha
  6. awesome.. but you don't have to go easy on me.. i'll still kick your butt! i'll get back with you on my addy..lol.im moving today. so idk it yet.

  7. i can take you!! haha

  8. i went out last night, out till 3, and had to get up at 7...
  9. no.. the dog is actually bigger than brian
  10. lol brad, you should've.. its carbed. i always tho it was a bitch to start. why you going sun? you're missin the group?!
  11. so is anyone other than brad and i going to the show next weekend??
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