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Everything posted by ninjachk08

  1. quit your bitchin!! lol at least you have water!!! i'd rather have my phone down than be without water all damn day!! grr..
  2. ok people, whats up with time warner?? why does everyone think they suck. i have never had problems with my service. i think its just columbus service?? directtv would be next on my list, but ive heard things about loosing signal and cable goin out in bad weather??
  3. one new bike isn't enough?? lol btw.. love the zx6! stock 8493c
  4. i felt sorry since you only had 6 friends, so i thought i'd be your friend :D

  5. you had a chance this weekend to ask for some money
  6. lol you must be slow.. post #6
  7. lol i tho he owned some rentals.. you could be the secretary or maintance.
  8. doesnt mean anything.lol. been acting like it
  9. dont worry, im sure some will give donation
  10. wow, people actually DO fight over the tp???? thats one small fight, that i dont have to deal with. its over the top for me. i just asked how the tp goes, and he said over the top..so maybe thats why there's no agruement.lol IP- you made me LOL. thanks for the details! haha
  11. damn dustin! that sucks. maybe you should work for you dad.lol
  12. i want too! even tho i think i would be scared they would know what i look like.lol. my husband just got one for 3 days in january..im jealous! lol
  13. i cant decide what i want to bring.. my mom makes killer taco dip or maybe cheese balls. idk yet.
  14. :lol: i say all that! and mean all of it oh, and swing, i think cuz when she wants something done.. it means now.. not in a few minutes..lol. you know that tho!
  15. Thats GREAT news Ananda! Congrats! looks like a nice big house and sounds like you got a great deal on it! Cant wait for the housewarming party!! now you can start saving for another bike, lol.
  16. yea, like violence is a good resort...
  17. i eat the head first, so they cant look at me.
  18. ok, we both think that no one is getting the point of my question.. except for Fonzie and john. Tom says: I think you guys took the wrong flight out of here on the topic lol. I wasn't meaning one of us makes up something to argue about or flat out lies about the gist of the argument. Someone did hit the nail on the head about getting to a point where you're throwing low-blows and needing to stop the argument, chill, and come back to it later. It's at that point we are debating if the truth comes out or fictional statments once you are throwing low-blows. Do you sometimes say something untruthful during a low-blow exchange in a fit to "push the others buttons"? Discuss!
  19. lol.. im kidding jeremy! we all give each other a hard time. im just busting your chops. it is diff. having ya talk alot more. i aint hatin. its good.lol
  20. i just texted him, and told him about the poll.lol he said, that he don't mean everything he says when he's upset cuz he's not thinking clear. which is my point, on why the truth comes out.. but, then he says he just says it to piss me off and its not the truth.
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