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Everything posted by CleaveTheGreat

  1. If its on a Saturday I'll have to work til 430
  2. 3 inches of standing water in Mineral City and my boots are still soaked. Good times...
  3. Yeah I just got home it was a good time. Definitely good to meet some more people from OR.
  4. That works cuz its still raining pretty good where I'm at.
  5. CleaveTheGreat


    Sounds good I'll text you when I get off.
  6. CleaveTheGreat


    Turbo, you still coming?
  7. CleaveTheGreat


    Haha ok that works. Chapel Hill mall 6pm. Pm with my phone # sent
  8. CleaveTheGreat


    I dont get off work til 430 so if you guys are planning on going that early i might not be able to make it. I work in canton, live in akron...
  9. CleaveTheGreat


    Not sure exactly where that is. its off of 59?
  10. So is the meeting time at 356th getting pushed back to 10:45 then?
  11. I can tell you that you don't wanna go to Midwest Motorsports
  12. We're heading up, hopefully there will be some other OR people there...
  13. I've been thinking about going but I don't particularly feel like riding up by myself and no one else from my area is going that I know of.
  14. Guess that leave me in charge of group #2 eh?
  15. CleaveTheGreat


    You guys should meet us in Coshocton and come up north. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=15336
  16. I usually work Thursday and Friday nights and I'm off Wed. and Sun. so Sundays would work for me
  17. Haha gotta stay true to my roots
  18. I don't have a problem doing it on a Saturday, I just need to know roughly 2 weeks in advance so I can request it off from work.
  19. If that smilie is any indication of how you guys do things up there count me in
  20. I'm in as long as I have a little advance notice. Sunday actually works better for me but if we do it on a Saturday I should be able to get it off if I know far enough in advance.
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