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Posts posted by dmt4595

  1. i'm down... i managed to cut the new chain down to size with a bench vise, bolt, and a socket, but i still need a clamp and rivet tool... if anybody has one PLEASE give me a call, I'll buy you lunch, fill the tank on your bike, whatever... getting this chain riveted on is the only thing that can stop me from riding sunday, and i really dont want to miss out!

  2. Need a favor... If anybody has a chain breaker and rivet tool I could borrow for a few hours, please let me know... I can come pick it up or meet you somewhere, and I dont have a problem buying you lunch/dinner in return for your help. If you have one, shoot me a text or give me a call at 376-0271



  3. awesome! one of the sales people at work actually just picked up a 75 cb550, which he knows nothing about.. he actually doesnt even know anything at all about bikes, i had to explain to him all the controls and everything - he wants me to help him fix it up and turn it into a cafe racer also, so if you need help let me know, i'll have a similar project going on at the same time!

  4. he was crazy when i dropped my bike off... dropped it off right as they were closing, got a ride from my friend back to my house... not even a half mile down the road he comes flying up behind us on what i assume was a cold motor, rode a wheelie past us and tore onto the highway onramp going into a pretty good lean on cold slicks..

  5. His name is Chrs Meyers ?? He rides a 02 blue and white gixxer 1,000 with some Gay ass orange wheels, he rides hard ass hell too !! Is he on here ?? are you on here you ass fucker ?? LOL

    He kinda looks like ... John travolta, but bigger !!

    He's gonna kick my ass if he is on here !!! Bwahahahahahahahaha

    Sounds like the guy that tuned my bike at Miami Cycle Works a year or two ago...

  6. I went on one with earache and a few others last year and had a blast! I'm definately up for it again, but would probably find some way to trailer this time... 1200 miles in a weekend on a sportbike will make your ass sore, and i didnt even want to ride for almost a week after. SO worth it though, great time.

  7. This was my first bike that I learned how to ride on a few years ago. I sold it when I bought my current bike, this isn't my bike, so please don't come to me asking to buy it, I just found it on craigslist and decided to help the guy out.


    When I bought it, I bought it from a cool guy of mexican background, who had his friend paint it silver with dragons on it - quality airbrushing, but not my thing, so my friend jon (01929rr) and i spent a few late nights at the body shop he worked at sanding it all down, and repainting it - it says in his ad that the color is BMW's carbon black, which it isn't, its just the look I was going for when we mixed the paint up. Anyway, never had any trouble with the bike when I owned it, it sounds like he may have dropped it since he said there is a crack in one of the fairings. Just passing the ad along to help the guy out a little bit

    Here is what it looked like when I sold it to the guy:





    Here is what it looked like when I bought it 3 years ago:






  8. damn man, i have a set of these on now and I love them, but I'm going to need a new rear soon, def. by the end of the season.. I really wish i had more extra cash on hand, i would take these from you in a heart beat.. got any pictures of them? especially the rear? shoot me a PM, maybe we can work something out..

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